
23 February 2013

In My Mailbox e-book edition 12 + Weekly Wrap Up

In My Mailbox is a weekly bookish meme created by Kristi over at The Story Siren where we show off the books we get each week!

Synopsis: First love.

First kiss.

First . . . werewolf bite?

Five hundred years ago, brothers Alaric and Ulric worked tirelessly on their father’s farm to keep mouths fed and sell remaining crops for scanty wages. With a rebellion stirring in northern England and a country at war over the throne, the heavy gloom felt for so long by Alaric and Ulric finally dissipates when a new family settles into town.

Daciana’s parents uproot her from London to begin a new life in Colchester. Here, she won’t be whisked off to decorative parties and elegant balls; she’ll have to put forth effort into back-breaking labor. But her thoughts of eloping from the quaint town subside when she meets Ulric. Together, it’s as if they’re exactly where they should be.

During a late-night hunt for a wolf, Ulric and Daciana are attacked. Before their bodies can fully succumb to the wild animal inside, the town witch claims she holds the cure. Instead of healing their wounds, she places a curse on Ulric and Daciana, so they must live with who they truly are. In a town where secrets can’t be kept and betrayal runs thick, Ulric and Daciana are hunted for the monsters they’ve become, even by those they love.

Synopsis: Congratulations! You have been admitted to the most prestigious university in the world. Now what are you going to do?

Callie Andrews may not have money or connections or the right clothes, and she may have way too many complications in her love life, what with

the guy she loves to hate ...

the guy she'd love to forget ...

the guy she'd love to love ...

and Matt
the guy she really should love ...

all vying for her attention.

But she has three fantastic roommates (best friends or her worst nightmare?) and a wholesome California-girl reputation (oops) and brains and beauty and big, big dreams.

Will it be enough to help her survive freshman year at Harvard?
Synopsis: Natalia Moore is the new girl at Santa Anna Prep, and all she wants to do is fly under the radar -- get to her classes, meet a few friends, and try not to make a total fool of herself in the meantime. But when handsome and popular Campbell Elliot goes out of his way to be nice to the new girl, Natalia's plan to go unnoticed flies out the window.

Cam's hot, but he's completely off-limits. Raine Marsden, the most popular and meanest girl in school, has had her eye on him ever since the summer. And Raine doesn't like competition.

When Cam goes as far as inviting Natalia to the exclusive weekend party at Raine's house, Raine sets her sights on a new victim. But what Natalia doesn't know is that Raine and her friends are no ordinary mean girls. They have powers most people can only dream of, and nobody will stand in the way of what they want. And what Raine wants is Campbell.

The Witches of Santa Anna series of novellas, proves just how far true love will go and that nothing--not even pure evil--can change your destiny.

NOTE: This compilation contains the complete set of novellas for season one, including CLAIMED, TRICKED, RUMORED, HUSHED, ENTICED, PURSUED, and RUINED....

Synopsis:  Nara Collins is an average sixteen-year-old, with one exception: every night she dreams the events of the following day. Due to an incident in her past, Nara avoids using her special gift to change fate…until she dreams a future she can’t ignore.

After Nara prevents a bombing at Blue Ridge High, her ability to see the future starts to fade, while people at school are suddenly being injured at an unusually high rate.

Grappling with her diminishing powers and the need to prevent another disaster, Nara meets Ethan Harris, a mysterious loner who seems to understand her better than anyone. Ethan and Nara forge an irresistible connection, but as their relationship heats up, so do her questions about his dark past
Weekly Wrap Up:
Blog Tours/Hops:



  1. OOh nice! Heard of two of these, but haven't read any. Hope you enjoy them all!

    My STS will be up tomorrow so be sure to stop by!

    Have a GREAT weekend!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Awesome books! I love werewolf stories and Alpha moon sounds awesome. I've read The Ivy before and I can't say I liked it that much..

    great book haul,
    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  3. Nice stack. The Ivy and The Witches both look like interesting reads. Happy Reading :)

  4. Alpha Moon looks pretty good! I am definitely a shifter girl lol :) Thanks for stopping by My Haul!!


  5. The Ivy by Lauren Kunze sounds intriguing. Has a gorgeous and simple cover too. Really enjoyed Brightest Kind of Darkness. Thanks for stopping by!

  6. These sound awesome! I heard the Ivy is a really cute read. Great haul this week. Happy Reading :D

  7. These all look fabulous indeed. Great haul of books.


  8. Oh I love Brightest Kinda of Darkness! Hope you do too.


  9. Awesome books!!

    Enjoy them :D
    - Sam


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)