
06 March 2013

Perception Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Perception by Lee Strauss
Synopsis: Eternal Life is To Die
For seventeen year old Zoe Vanderveen is a GAPa genetically altered person. She lives in the security of a walled city on prime water-front property along side other equally beautiful people with extended life spans.
Her brother Liam is missing.
Noah Brody is a natural who lives on the outside. He leads protests against the GAPs and detests the widening chasm they’ve created between those who have and those who don’t. He doesn’t like girls like Zoe and he has goodreason not to like her specifically.
Zoe’s carefree life takes a traumatic turn. She’s in trouble and it turns out thatNoah, the last guy on earth she should trust, is the only one who can help her.

Want to read PERCEPTION? It's FREE on Kobo itunes B&NSmashwords and on Amazon!
VOLITION is the exciting continuation of Noah and Zoe's story from Perception.

Meet The Author:
Lee Strauss writes historical and science fiction/romance for upper YA and adult readers. She also writes light and fun stuff under the name Elle Strauss. To find out more about Lee and her books check out her facebook page. Follow her on Twitter at To find out about new releases sign up for her newsletter at
Social Media links:
Excerpt #2:
Just as I commanded the volume to go to ten, a news story flashed on the screen. A group of teens were demonstrating in front of Sleiman Center Three, an imposing highrise on theoutside that was sheeted with glass. In the distance I noticed a brick and stucco clock tower. It had an ancient kind of face with numbers posted in an outdated circular fashion. Its ornate small and large rusted-iron hands were stuck at an incorrect time.

I could tell the kids were from the outside by the variety oftheir appearances. They had every kind of hair and skin color, varied heights and weights, and most carried archaic, hand-written placard signs denouncing GAP governing policies with slogans like Transhumanism is un-natural, Science is not a true religion, and one with an angry red circle and an X over the word GAPS.
The camera zoomed in on a face I recognized—it was Noah, the maid’s son. The 3D monitor thrust his image into the living room and his dark eyes blazed with an anger I hadn’t seen in anyone before. The other day I'd thought him exotic; now Ifound him frightening.
Genetically Altered Persons have unfair social advantages, Noah told the reporter. They have the wealth and opportunity allowing them to leap ahead of poorer naturals.They have the best of the best of all things, including real estate. Look at Sol City. It was built on land that once housed lower income citizens. GAP status allowed them to push the poor off their land after the quake so they could build their walled, GAP-only, utopian city.
“They fund the government and shape unfair policies. And most importantly, they have time. They have artificially expanded lifelines. They have no right to play God in this way. The alteration of human genetics must be stopped!
A lesser known genetic scientist who developed Human Alteration? But it was my own grandfather, Dr. WilliamVanderveen who developed the procedure. The now-Democraticpresidential candidate, Senator Vanderveen. He was the one everyone credited with the extension of the human life span.
Why hadn't I heard of Matthew Brody before? And if he’d played a part in the discovery of human genetic alteration, why was his grandson protesting against it?

P.S. Don't forget to check out the first of the tour here!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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