
01 March 2013

Review: Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan

Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan
Publisher: Cedar Fort
Publication Date: February 12, 2013
Book Format: E-ARC
Number of Pages: 336
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I received Fractured Soul by Rachel McClellan for a book tour and my honest review.

Fractured Soul is the sequel to Fractured Light so I will not go into detail about what it is about so there are not spoilers to the first book in case you have not read that book. But I will tell you that this book is another crazy journey for our main character Llona. In the first book we meet Llona and she is basically a loner throughout most of the book except for her best friend May. Which is something I enjoyed about the second novel because we got to see her change and start to reach out to other people to gain friends.

Another thing I enjoyed about this book is that you did not really have to go back and refresh your memory on the last book because this was like a totally new story, there was only really three or four of the same characters the rest were all different. I did at first have trouble remembering the ending exactly and everyones relationship status at the end of that book but it al came back to me eventually.

During this book I was a little scared because we met a new character; Liam and this scared me because I was afraid that he was suddenly going to replace Christian and I obviously will not tell you if he does or not but that was one of the fears that annoyed me the whole time I was reading. The plot behind this book really fascinates me, I mean young girls called Auras being able to control Light and Furys being able to control Fire and together they can kill Vkyens which are the bad guys. The reason I enjoyed this so much is because there was so much action in the book! Never was there a dull moment and I loved it!

Overall the book gets a 4 out of 5 stars I very much enjoyed the plot and most of the characters but there were a few things that annoyed me which I mentioned above. But this was still a great dystopian read.

View all my reviews

1 comment:

  1. I haven't even heard of this series but it sounds really good.

    Thanks for the great review, I'm going to have to check out this series.

    Glad you enjoyed the book!


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