
08 April 2013

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading? was created and hosted over at Book Journey, and it is a weekly bookish meme where we show/tell our followers what books we've finished, what we're currently reading and what we plan/hope to read next! So here is my Monday wrap up of books!

Finished: (Since March 18, 2013 also click on the title for my review if I reviewed it) 
The Legend of Mickey Tussler by Frank Nappi 
Too Soon For Jeff by Marilyn Reynolds (For School)
A Trick Of Light by Lois Metzger
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan 
Next Summer by Hailey Abbott
What Color Is Monday? by Carrie Cariello (Review to come sometime this week)

Currently Reading: 

The Reece Malcolm List by Amy Spalding
Synopsis: Things I know about Reece Malcolm:

1. She graduated from New York University.
2. She lives in or near Los Angeles.
3. Since her first novel was released, she’s been on the New York Times bestseller list every week.
4. She likes strong coffee and bourbon.
5. She’s my mother.

Devan knows very little about Reece Malcolm, until the day her father dies and she’s shipped off to live with the mother she’s never met. All she has is a list of notebook entries that doesn’t add up to much.

L.A. offers a whole new world to Devan—a performing arts school allows her to pursue her passion for show choir and musicals, a new circle of friends helps to draw her out of her shell, and an intriguing boy opens up possibilities for her first love.

But then the Reece Malcolm list gets a surprising new entry. Now that Devan is so close to having it all, can she handle the possibility of losing everything?

Synopsis: They have tried to squeeze us out, to stamp us into the past.

But we are still here.

And there are more of us every day.

Now an active member of the resistance, Lena has been transformed. The nascent rebellion that was under way in Pandemonium has ignited into an all-out revolution in Requiem, and Lena is at the center of the fight.

After rescuing Julian from a death sentence, Lena and her friends fled to the Wilds. But the Wilds are no longer a safe haven—pockets of rebellion have opened throughout the country, and the government cannot deny the existence of Invalids. Regulators now infiltrate the borderlands to stamp out the rebels, and as Lena navigates the increasingly dangerous terrain, her best friend, Hana, lives a safe, loveless life in Portland as the fiancĂ©e of the young mayor.

Maybe we are driven crazy by our feelings.

Maybe love is a disease, and we would be better off without it.

But we have chosen a different road.

And in the end, that is the point of escaping the cure: We are free to choose.

We are even free to choose the wrong thing.

Requiem is told from both Lena’s and Hana’s points of view. The two girls live side by side in a world that divides them until, at last, their stories converge.

Up Next: (As usual I have no clue whats next but here is a possibility) 

Synopsis: If last night was real, Ariel should be dead. She’s not, but her mother has disappeared, there are bruises on her neck and the hideous beast in the photo looks frighteningly familiar.

You can’t send police into a tunnel that doesn’t exist after a villain they can’t see, so when shadow demons kidnap her mother, Ariel has to mount the rescue mission herself. Hot on the trail, she enters a hidden layer of reality only to find that the demons are hunting her, and they feed on fear. Ariel must defeat them before they kill her and enslave her mother. But how do you kill terrifying demons when your fear makes them stronger?

A quirky old guide teaches her how to locate and unleash her inner power, and while battling hallucinogenic mist, treacherous terrain, murderous earth spirits and self-doubt, she falls in love with Nick, a Warrior whose power is more than either of them can handle. 

Ariel’s journey challenges her perception, tests her awareness and takes her deep into her heart and mind to confront, and ultimately transcend, her fear and anger.

Don't forget to leave me links to your Monday posts so I can come visit and see what your up too! :)


  1. Awesome books you're reading!! The Reece Malcolm List looks so great.
    I haven't read Delirium yet but I plan to (:
    Enjoy your books and have a great week!

    Diary of a Wimpy Teen Girl

  2. Nice! Haven't heard of all these! My sister still needs to read Requiem as well! Hope you enjoy your reads!

    Here's my Monday Wrapup

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)