
02 April 2013

Review: Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan

Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green
Publisher: Dutton Childrens
Publication Date: April 6, 2010
Book Format: Paperback
Number of Pages: 310
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I bought Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Leviathan and, I am writing an honest review.

Before opening this book I was a bit confused as to what the story was actually about, now that I’m finished I’m still kind of confused as to what the story was about because there seemed to be a few meanings to it, but either way I loved it! In the first two chapters we meet Will Grayson and will grayson, two very different guys living in two very different worlds. The book is basically about a certain time in both boys lives I guess you would say and we get to learn quite a bit about them, and see some struggles they go through.

First we meet Will Grayson and his best friend Tiny (whom is the best gay person I’ve ever met! That’s not a spoiler don’t worry.) The thing about Will, and Tiny is that they have been friends since they were little but they seem to be the kind of best friends (at times) that are drifting apart when they are older. Will is a great character even though he is one of those people who aren’t very proactive he doesn’t stick up for himself, and basically lets people especially his friends sort of walk all over him. Tiny is the complete opposite he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t care what people think of him he’s always talking and always very cheerful which is one of the things that made me love him!

Then we meet will grayson and his friend Maura. These were the chapters that were depressing so it kind of balanced out the book. You went from happy cheerful chapters to the depressing I don’t know what to do with myself chapters. will grayson is a very depressed person from the very beginning we find out that he himself is gay and I do think that this has to do with his being so depressed, at first I don’t really think he wants people to look at him differently. Now on to his “friend” Maura, when we first meet her I didn’t have an issue with her she seemed like an okay friend that was treated like crap by her best friend. I can’t say too much because there will be major spoilers so all I can say is she didn’t turn out the way I pictured.

One thing I didn’t completely enjoy about the book was that I honestly in the end don’t know what the book was about. Yes there were a few lessons learned and things like that but I still am not clear on what it was about maybe that was the point? Overall though the book gets a 5 out of 5 stars because it was still AMAZING!

View all my reviews


  1. Great review Paige! I kind of liked how the book didn't seem to be about one exact thing, but if I had to choose a theme it would be love: loving yourself, and love between friends, parents and romantic partners.

    I'm so glad you enjoyed the book, and thanks for participating in the read-a-long! :)

  2. I have never read a book by John Green so I really don't know what his writing is about. I would take a guess though and say this book is suppose to show the different sides of life for one guy. I'm sure he tries to live his life as a normal teenager but later decides he can't hide that he is gay any longer and must face what society would say about him. Sounds like a powerful book. I shall have to read it.

    Thanks for the great review, glad you loved it


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