
16 April 2013

Teaser Tuesday

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted and created by Should Be Reading. What we do is share random teasers from the books we're reading. Anyone can join in but you have to follow these simple rules!

1. Grab your current read
2. Flip to a random page
3. Share two sentences from somewhere on that page
4. Be sure not to share spoilers there evil! 
5. Also share the title and author so we can add it to our TBR list if we enjoy the tease! 

My Book:

Spirit and Dust by Rosemary Clement-Moore
Synopsis: Daisy Goodnight can speak to the dead. It’s not the result of a head injury or some near-death experience. She was just born that way. And she’s really good at it. Good enough to help the police solve the occasional homicide.

But helping the local authorities clear cold cases is one thing. Being whisked out of chemistry class by the FBI and flown to the scene of a murder/kidnapping in Minnesota? That’s the real deal.

Before the promotion can go to Daisy’s head, she’s up to her neck in trouble. The spirits are talking, and they’re terrified. There’s a real living girl in danger. And when Daisy is kidnapped by a crime boss with no scruples about using magic—and Daisy—to get what he wants, it looks like hers is the next soul on the line.

My Teaser:
He seemed unsurprised. "That's good to know, since I received a ransom demand today." (ARC-46)

I hope you enjoyed my teaser today! Don't forget to leave me links to yours as well :)

1 comment:

I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)