
22 April 2013

The Space Between Tour: Promo Post + Giveaway

The Space Between by Victoria Smith
Release Date: April 2, 2013
Synopsis: When Drake started the night at his father’s campaign fundraiser, he never imagined he’d end it being conned into buying drugs on the West Side. Losing high-stakes poker has its consequences, but he’d repeatedly face them just to hear Lacey Douglas sing. Drake sees Lacey light up the stage, and he has to have her. But his intentions for being on her side of town turn out to be the reason he can’t.
Chicago native Lacey has dreams of the opera, but life has its obstacles. Lacey has come to know her hardships as part of living in the real world and accepts them fully. When Lacey meets the intense and invigorating Drake, a fire is lit inside her, unleashing those dreams again.
Two paths that should have never crossed prove to create the exact pairing the other needs. But when their worlds take time to catch up, everything they have is tested. Finding the space between the two sides that challenge them will be hard, but it’s the only place that will keep them together.
The Space Between is a new adult contemporary romance.

Meet The Author: 
Victoria H. Smith has a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science. She puts it to good use writing romance all day. She resides in the Midwest with her Macbook on her lap and a cornfield to her right. She often draws inspiration for her stories from her own life experiences, and the twenty-something characters she writes give her an earful about it.

In her free time, she enjoys extreme couponing, blogging, reading, and sending off a few tweets on Twitter when she can. She writes new adult fiction romance in the sub-genres of science fiction, urban fantasy, and contemporary, but really, anywhere her pen takes her she goes.

Guest Post: 
By Victoria H. Smith
Differences – This book is all about them, and what one is willing to do to overcome them.
Dreams – Lacey is in constant conflict with hers. She wants to fight for them, but often feels trapped. This is a drastic difference to Drake. He virtually has none and needs Lacey to force him to look at his life and figure out what he wants for himself.
Passion – Passion occurs in so many ways here. Life goals, love, friendships. When one is passionate about something life is just so much grander.
Adulthood – This story is about facing reality and coming into one’s own. The story is set in the summer after high school graduation. The characters make the transition between adolescence and adulthood that summer. Lacey has to deal with her mother’s sickness on her own. Drake is moving out for the first time and going to college. In both Drake and Lacey’s case, they have to deal with the world’s objections to their relationship. No one sugar coats things for them. They have to fight for what they want.
Music – Music initially brings Drake and Lacey together and plays a part in their relationship throughout the entirety of the story.
Believe – Holding true to what one believes is the foundation of the story and consistently plays throughout it as Drake and Lacey struggle to maintain a relationship.

Before you check out the giveaway don't forget to give credit where it is due which is AToMR Tours for putting together this lovely tour! Check out the tour schedule here 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Sorry clicked to fast! Awesome Interview!! Love the Giveaway, which is a plus!! Thanks!

  2. This book sounds awesome! Thanks for the giveaway!


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