
30 June 2013

Mini Review Sunday: The Cowboy Kiss by Kristen James

The Cowboy Kiss by Kristen James
Publisher: N/A
Release Date: February 27, 2013
Book Format: E-book/Short Story
Number of Pages: 30
Rating: 5 out of 5 Stars
Synopsis: She’s a cutting-edge travel blogger—he’s a fishing guide with strong ties to their small hometown.

She thought they were arch enemies—he always thought they’d end up together.

Autumn grew up in her parents’ fishing resort in backwoods Oregon, listening to wild travel stories from around the world. Now she’s broken free and living her dream as a travel blogger, that is until her mom talks her into coming home and writing a blog about the Rugged Resort. Autumn’s very surprised to find Cory still there. He was the thorn in her side growing up, and now he’s buddy-buddy with her parents. She plans to write her blog and hit the road, but Cory has other ideas.

My Mini Review: 
I bought The Cowboy Kiss by Kristen James off of Amazon and this is my honest review.

The Cowboy Kiss is about a Travel Blogger named Autumn (beautiful name by the way I loved it!) who is contacted by her mother to come back home and get some hype for the families little resort type thing. What she doesn't know though is that this is just her families ploy to get her to fall in love with her old friend Cory.

I really connected with Autumn because she is a blogger just as I am. She may not be a book blogger but we are all bloggers just the same. She was a very straight forward character you were never left guessing what her feelings about situations were which I like in a story. Cory on the other hand when we first met him I wasn't sure what his feelings toward Autumn and here being home were, but I suppose that about his character was good because it balanced the two out.

In the end this short story really drew me in and I'm extremely excited about picking up James' other books in the near future!

I hope you all enjoyed my mini review I will be reading one of Kristen James' full length novels shortly so stay tuned for that review! By the way, I'm sorry this is going up so late on Sunday it has been a hectic day!

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