
18 July 2013

Author Spotlight Thursday: James Patterson (Special Review)

Good morning bookies! As you all know today is Thursday which means it is Author Spotlight Thursday, and I have decided to feature and author that I can't get enough of. Are you ready to see who it is? *Drum Roll Pleaseeeee*

James Patterson!
I've been reading Patterson's books since I was in 7th grade and I'm a senior in High School now! Can you believe that? I can't, but anyways instead of just a book spotlight I decided to do something special. I recently finished his last book in the Maximum Ride series which is Nevermore so I decided that In honor of it being the end to one of his most famous series in my mind I would share my review of the last book with you. I hope you all enjoy it. 

Nevermore by James Patterson
Publisher: Little Brown and Company
Release Date: August 6, 2012
Book Format: Hardcover 
Number of Pages: 344
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Synopsis: Maximum Ride and her faithful friends stand ready to face the two greatest threats that humankind has ever known--now combining forces in an unbeatable plot to destroy life as we know it once and for all. And this time, the enemy truly can't be stopped. The danger mounts just as the boy genetically engineered to be her "perfect match", Dylan, has finally worked his way into Max's heart--and just as her beloved Fang unexpectedly returns to the flock. An explosive confrontation between the two boys with a claim to Max's heart ensues, and the entire world hangs in the balance.

In this powerful and moving finale to James Patterson's epic fantasy series, fans will finally get the answers they've been waiting for--and an ending full of shock, surprises, and the greatest conclusion you never saw coming.

My Review:
I bought Nevermore by James Patterson on amazon when it was released and this is my honest review.

Okay so as any other book reader would do to the last book in one of their favorite series I put off reading the last book in the Maximum Ride series for a very long time. The reason being? I simply did not want to let the story and the characters go it was just too hard to even think about. But last week I realized it was time, so I did it. I read the last book and I loved it...

It was a little hard to remember what happened in Angel which was the book before this one so I kind of wish that Patterson could have added some hints to make it easier to remember, but after talking to a fellow reader my memory became a little less foggy which made reading this a lot easier. So in the beginning of the books my feelings were clear. Fang was gone Dylan was here and I needed to learn to love him just like Max was having to do. This let me tell you was not easy but I got to the point where I liked Dylan a lot. Also Angel was dead and I had forgotten how she died, which made me feel like a terrible reader but when a certain someone got their own chapter a few times I started to feel less guilty.

I have to say that there were a few changes in Max's character and I liked it quite a bit actually. She didn't change a crazy amount but when she started letting her guard down a little around Dylan I liked it, it was cute and there were some really sweet moments. As always I enjoyed the smaller characters of Iggy, Nudge, and Gazzy there all cuties and I love them!

Lets talk about some things I didn't like. How about when Fang got his own chapter with his new flock and his clone of Max! Seriously! was that really necessary? Because it made me so mad! I guess the ending of the story made up for it but still! Also I just need to say something that confused me a little this may have happened in the last book but for some reason I thought that Ella who is Max's half sister was young like Angel young and then all the sudden she's kissing Iggy? So she must not be as young as I thought huh? Or maybe I just forgot that Iggy isn't that old? I'm not sure but either way it confused me.

Either way though the book amazed me all the way through, from the ups and the downs the deaths and the reunions I loved every second of it all and that is why the book gets a 5 out of 5 stars. I feel at peace with the series ending even though I am going to miss it a lot.

Thanks for stopping by everybody! Let me know what you think of todays special feature in the comments! :)

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