
23 July 2013

Review: Perfection by J.L. Spelbring

Perfection by J.L. Spelbring
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Release Date: July 16, 2013
Book Format: ARC
Number of Pages: 320
Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
Synopsis: The personification of Aryan purity, Ellyssa's spent her whole life under her creator's strict training and guidance; her purpose is to eradicate inferior beings. She was genetically engineered to be the perfect soldier: strong, intelligent, unemotional, and telepathic. 
Only Ellyssa isn't perfect. 
Ellyssa feels emotions--a fact she's spent her life concealing. Until she encounters the epitome of inferiority: a dark-haired boy raised among renegades hiding since the Nazis won the war a century ago. He speaks to her telepathically, pushing thoughts into her mind, despite the impossibility of such a substandard person having psychic abilities. 
But he does. 
His unspoken words and visions of a place she's never visited make Ellyssa question her creator. Confused and afraid her secret will be discovered, Ellyssa runs away, embarking on a journey where she discovers there is more to her than perfection.

My Review:
I received Perfection by J.L. Spelbring from Spencer Hill Press for review, and this is my honest review.

Perfection is about a girl named Ellyssa who is different. She is considered human but what people who meet her don’t know is that she has the ability to read anyones mind, and she also shows no emotion. Her mission is to get away from her father, and his evil plans. On her mission to get away Ellyssa comes across people who are called Renegades (people who are against Hitler, and his people)

Oh yeah did I mention that this book is based back when Hitler was in power? When I first found out about that I wasn’t sure if I would enjoy the book, but to be honest I think the whole historical reference thing interested me because I knew what they were talking about. I’ve never read anything like this book, I have read dystopians before but this book was different.

One man created his 5 children all to look perfect and have special abilities.Each child, or teenager has their own ability but they also have one alike feature which is that they are trained to not show any emotion at all. That I thought was really interesting because it has to be pretty hard to write not only one but a bunch of characters with absolutely no emotion. I have to say it was pretty impressive.

Another thing I enjoyed about this book was the reference of a few classics. Spelbring mentioned Of Mice and Men which I got excited about because I have read that book, and loved it too pieces. The other classic mentioned was Frankenstein which I have not read but I liked how Ellyssa compared herself to the book saying her father created her a monster, but Doc reassured her that she was not the monster her creator was. That was one of my favorite parts.

I enjoyed this book 100% there were so many references in the story that I connected to which made the reading experience great. Plus the ending was really what I wanted it to be which made me love the book even more. Definitely 5 out of 5 stars.

I enjoyed this book quite a lot and I hope all of you do too! Let me know what you think in the comments :)

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