
06 July 2013

So Many Reasons Why Book Blitz

So Many Reasons Why by Missy Johnson
Series: So Many Reasons Why #1
Publication Date: February 29, 2013
Genre: Adult Romance
Synopsis: Twenty year old Emma hasn’t left the house since she was attacked as a child. Now, with the impending release of her attacker from prison, Emma knows it’s more important than ever for her to regain control of her life. From her unrelenting nightmares, to her strained relationships, to her crippling agoraphobia, Emma feels as though her life is spiraling out of control.

When her professor, Simon Anderson enters her life, Emma must deal with feelings she has never experienced before. 

Though both she and Simon know their relationship is bordering on inappropriate, neither of them are able to ignore the intense chemistry that is quickly developing between them.

What was supposed to keep her mind off the attack has left her more confused than ever. When there are so many reasons why you shouldn’t be together, is simply being in love really enough?

This is book one in a two book series.

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Meet The Author:
Missy lives in a small town in Central Victoria with her husband, and her confused pets (a dog who think she's a cat, a cat who thinks he's a get the picture). 

When she's not writing, she can usually be found looking for something to read.

Find The Author:

You know Emma, the internet is the way to go nowadays,” Gran addressed me with all seriousness as she spooned a heap of cream onto her scone, “I’ve met up with four lovely men in the past week alone.”
Gran!” I exclaimed, unable to keep the smile off my face. Gran was widowed and ninety-six. Not only was she on Facebook and Twitter, she had discovered the online dating scene a few weeks ago. I now knew more about Mix and Mate, Perfect Match and Adult Fun than I had ever cared to.
I'd learned two very disturbing things off Gran. The first was the libido of the over eighty age group was insane. They made prostitutes look like church going virgins and the number of men under the age of sixty who were into a 'mature' woman was astounding.
There is nothing wrong with shopping around Emma. How am I supposed to milk the cow?” Gran shrugged her shoulders unapologetically.
I coughed mid swallow, sending bits of scone across the table Mom shrugged at me helplessly, looking rather embarrassed. Again.
So long as you’re happy, Gran.” It was all I could say.
Should I be embarrassed that my great grandmother was getting more action than
me? Probably.

One lucky commenter will get an e-copy of the book above! The Giveaway will end July 18 so get commenting! Doesn't matter what you say as long as it's positive :)

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