
13 July 2013

Taste The Heat Blog Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

Taste The Heat by Rachel Harris
Release Date: July 8, 2013
Synopsis: One sexy fire captain. One Cajun chef. One combustible kitchen…

When chef Colby Robicheaux returned home to New Orleans to save her family restaurant, the last person she expected to reconnect with was her brother’s best friend and her childhood crush. As tempting as a sugar-coated beignet, Jason is one dish she can’t afford to taste. Colby can’t wait to leave the place where her distrust of love and commitment originated and go back to Vegas.

Fire captain Jason Landry isn’t looking for love, either. Disillusioned by his past, he knows he should be focusing on finding the perfect mother for his daughter. But when he first sees Colby, all grown up and gorgeous, he can’t help but be drawn to her. And when she suggests a no-strings-attached fling, Jason can’t say no.

As their relationship grows more intense, Colby finds that Jason isn’t as easy to leave behind as she thought. Could turning up the heat on something real be worth the possibility of getting burned?

Meet The Author:
Rachel Harris grew up in New Orleans, where she watched soap operas with her grandmother and stayed up late sneak reading her mama’s favorite romance novels. Now a Cajun cowgirl living in Houston, she still stays up way too late reading her favorite romances, only now, she can do so openly. She firmly believes life’s problems can be solved with a hot, powdered-sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations.

When not typing furiously or flipping pages in an enthralling romance, she homeschools her two beautiful girls and watches reality television with her amazing husband. Taste The Heat is her adult romance debut. She’s the author of MY SUPER SWEET SIXTEENTH CENTURY and A TALE OF TWO CENTURIES. She loves hearing from readers! Find her


Guest Post:
Jason Landry. Seriously, Jason Landry knocked my socks off while writing Taste the Heat. He was the perfect balance of strong male and sensitive hero. He had wounds from the past, but loved his daughter fiercely. And when it came to Colby Robicheaux, the man pursued her in ways that left me in a puddle of swoon. Having created him, I’m probably a little too close to Jason to tell you why he’s so amazing, so I invited Colby to introduce you to the man who brings the heat inside the kitchen, and out.

Top Five Things Colby Wants YOU to Know About Jason

A Man in UniformNeed she go on? I don’t know what it is about a man in uniform...okay, maybe I do. Whether it’s military, police, or in Jason’s case, fire department, a man in uniform is sexy because you know he can take care of you. He’s not afraid to put his life on the line to defend others, and when it comes to the people he loves, you better watch out. Jason is the captain of the Magnolia Springs fire department, and he wears the uniform well.

The Man Can Cook. Maybe not as well as Colby—she’s trained and owns a restaurant, after all—but besides a man in uniform, is there anything sexier than a man who knows his way around a kitchen?

He’s An Amazing Dad. Colby wasn’t looking for a ready-made family. Heck, she wasn’t looking for a family. She gave up on love and relationships a long time ago. But seeing a strong man so open and vulnerable, caring for his preteen daughter, and at times being adorably overwhelmed in the process? How could that not melt her heart just a little?

He Can and Will Fight For You. Jason is a trained instructor in tactical ninjitsu. Every week, he teaches men and women how to defend themselves and those they love by any means necessary. So, okay, besides a man in uniform, a man who can cook, and a man who is good with kids, a man who will fight for your honor is definitely one of the sexiest qualities ever. (By the way, anyone else singing the theme song from Karate Kid II—“I am the man who will fight for your honor…” No? Never mind)

A Chance at Your First Love. Maybe this won’t matter so much to readers as it did to Colby, but Jason was her first love. She was the kid sister who wore her heart on her sleeve and followed in his footsteps. What single woman wouldn’t kill for the chance to be with the man who starred in their every childhood fantasy? Who filled the pages of their diary? And what woman doesn’t get a warm fuzzy reading about just that? Insert happy reader sigh here.

So there you have it, Colby’s top five things she believe you need to know about our man Jason, the qualities that make him irresistible.
What about YOU, fabulous readers? What qualities in a guy turn you into a happy puddle of goo??  

Before you check out the giveaway make sure you give some love to the creators of this lovely book tour InkSlingerPR P.S. THIS BOOK IS AMAZING! My review will be up on the blog soon. It is though already up on GoodReads! 


a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thanks so much for hosting me, Paige! This was a really fun post to write :)


  2. What I really adore in Jason is him being a dad... He's the perfect father for Emma... =)

  3. Love your blog title. I read Taste The Heat and it is definitely a comfort book. Loved your 5 things!


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)