
23 August 2013

Escape From Eden: Author Interview

Escape by Elisa Nader
Publisher: Merit Press
Release Date: August 18, 2013
Synopsis: Since the age of ten, Mia has lived under the iron fist of the fundamentalist preacher who lured her mother away to join his fanatical family of followers. In Edenton, a supposed “Garden of Eden” deep in the South American jungle, everyone follows the Reverend’s strict but arbitrary rules—even the mandate of whom they can marry. Now sixteen, Mia dreams of slipping away from the armed guards who keep the faithful in, and the curious out. When the rebellious and sexy Gabriel, a new boy, arrives with his family, Mia sees a chance to escape. 

But the scandalous secrets the two discover beyond the compound’s façade are more shocking than anything they ever imagined. While Gabriel has his own terrible secrets, he and Mia bond together, more than friends and freedom fighters. But is there time to think of each other as they race to stop the Reverend’s paranoid plan to free his flock from the corrupt world? Can two teenagers crush a criminal mastermind? And who will die in the fight to save the ones they love from a madman who’s only concerned about his own secrets?

Meet The Author:


P: What was your inspiration for writing Escape from Eden? I have to say the plot is very interesting. 

E: I’ve always been fascinated with Jonestown and Reverend Jim Jones. For readers who aren’t familiar with Jonestown, the Jim Jones relocated his congregation from California to South America to live in seclusion on a commune. There were rumors of abuse, and of people being held there against their will. Jones became increasingly paranoid about people invading his commune. Jonestown ended tragically, with over 900 people committing mass suicide on Jones’ orders.

I always wondered about the children and teenagers in Jonestown, how they felt about being brought there, or born into that kind of life. My sixteen-year-old protagonist, Mia, didn’t arrive in Edenton, the commune in the ESCAPE FROM EDEN, until the age of ten. She is the only teenager who remembers what life was like before living in the commune. Her desire to leave, spurred on by the arrival Gabriel, a rebellious and troubled seventeen-year-old, lead both of them to try to find a way out. When they start investigating a way to escape, they discover crazy and disturbing secrets. 

As far as the plot goes, I’d challenge myself to come up with a twist, or a surprise, or something the reader wouldn’t see coming in almost every chapter. Those are the kinds of books I like to read. And the best writing advice I’d ever received was write what you want to read. Oh, and Twitter. Stay off Twitter. Which I can’t seem to do. 

P: Whats your favorite thing about being an author?

E: First, being called an author! It feels so fancy! This is my first published book but not my first written manuscript so it’s been a winding trip to publication. 

But I really hope I get the opportunity to talk to readers who have connected with the book. THAT would be incredible. I’d love to know what parts of the story affected them and why.  

P: Is there a planned sequel for Escape from Eden or is this a standalone?

E: Well, I had planned for a sequel, and I have the story in my head! But my editor feels EDEN is strong enough to be a stand alone, which is an opinion I’ve accepted. It’s difficult to let go of characters for me. I miss Mia and Gabriel. I’m considering writing a sequel and self-publishing. I’m really impressed with what is happening in self-publishing these days. Still thinking about that idea, though. 

P: Other than Escape from Eden or anything to do with it what other projects are you working on?

E: I’m working on a new manuscript inspired by The Legend of Billie Jean (link:! I loved that movie when I was younger—but in re-watching I realized it was wonderfully cheesy and so brilliantly eighties. I mean, the Pat Benatar (link: alone was amazing, not to mention the Billie Jean’s rebellious haircut and all the spandex. My project would be a contemporary thriller, but there will be spandex. Somewhere, somehow, there will be spandex. 

Hi there Bookies! I hope you all enjoyed this interview! I loved coming up with the questions, anyways I am currently reading this book and I'm enjoying it quite a bit! My review will be up on my tour date which is September 26, so be sure to stop by then! :)  

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