
04 August 2013

Mini Review Sunday: Runner by Logan Rutherford

Runner by Logan Rutherford 
Publisher: Self Published
Publication Date: June 4, 2011
Book Format: E-book
Synopsis: He just turned sixteen. He just got his first car. He is having the best time of his life. Then, his family? Gone. His life? Turned upside down. All he does now is run. He's running from some very bad guys. He's running to find answers. Time is ticking. In order to survive - in order to find his family - he must become, a Runner.

My Review:
I bought Runner by Logan Rutherford off of amazon and this is my honest review.

I have to say I'm pretty impressed, I've been wanting to be a writer for awhile now but I just haven't had the nerve to put anything out there. But this young author only 16 at the time which is a year younger than me now published sort of a whole mini series and I find that quite fascinating, and inspiring!

In part one which is Runner we meet Seventeen, I thought he had a name in the beginning but by the time I got to the end if he did I can't remember it, all I can remember is the name Seventeen which he was called quite often. Anyways all we know is that he's running. From what or who we have not a clue but that makes the book suspenseful thats what makes you want to move onto part two. We also meet the other character Fifteen but we didn't get to know much about her, which I didn't mind because I'm sure well get to know her in the next few parts.

I can't say that there was anything I didn't like about the book it was interesting and it kept me excited! It did end very abruptly so I'm glad that I have part two on my e-reader ready to go! 

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