
26 August 2013

Release Date Event: Until Next Time by Justine Dell

Until Next Time by Justine Dell
Publisher: Omnific Publishing
Release Date: August 27, 2013
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age Group: Adult
Synopsis: Piper Downing knows a thing or two about death. She’s spent her entire life working inside her family’s funeral home. Now thirty, Piper’s been running the place on her own for what feels like an eternity. Not that she minds. Losing her parents at a young age, watching her teenage boyfriend die before her eyes, and seeing every type of death and tragedy possible in her line of work did something to her psyche. Piper copes with her job—and the world—by putting every emotion in a box and burying it. She doesn’t get close to people, has no friends, and only has relationships with men for sexual satisfaction. She doesn’t love. Love is selfish.

Macy Quinn Oliver knows a thing or two about death, too. An injury caused him to be honorably discharged as a fighter pilot and now he works as grief counselor at the local VA hospital. He grew up in a family that understands the pain of death, yet embraces what it means. He was taught that death isn’t the end, it is simply… until next time. Even after losing his young bride to brain cancer, Quinn loves. Quinn lives. But because of his vow to his late wife, Quinn will never marry. When he meets Piper at his Grandmother’s wake, her chestnut hair and matching eyes stirs him inway that hasn’t happened for a long time.

And Quinn has the same effect on Piper. Together they make the perfect pair; a girl who won’t love and a guy who won’t marry. But in order to get their happy ever after, Piper has to learn that love isn’t an end all, and Quinn must make a commitment he promised to never make again.

Meet The Author:
Justine lives in the Midwest, happily catering to her family, which consists of a horse-obsessed teenage daughter, four dogs, and a husband who is to good to be true. She’s never moved from her hometown, but hopes to grow old in a much warmer climate. During the day she works a normal job with college students who try their best to keep her young. They’ve done a good job thus far. At night, said teenage daughter and her horse require mounds of love and attention. The weekends belong solely to her and her writing. That’s when she morphs into a sticky bug, unable to leave the confines of her computer chair.
She started writing three years ago after seeing a movie that set off a chain reaction she couldn’t have stopped if she’d wanted. It’s not a hobby for her; it’s an obsession. One she loves and one she loves to share. Her debut novel, RECAPTURED DREAMS, and her second book, ALL AMERICAN GIRl, are available now on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and wherever books are sold.
Author social media links:

“You didn’t have to go through all that trouble, you know. Store-bought cookies would’ve done the trick.”
A rumbling laugh rolled out him, his eyes glittering with mischief in the mix of low sun and candle light.
“You’re special, I guess,” he said on a sigh.
Her face went hot. She busied herself stuffing her mouth full of food so she wouldn’t have to say anything. After she finally thought she could control the ping-pong of sizzle, she spoke again. “Why the graveyard, Quinn? I think your tactic of asking me out alone was clever, but this…this has to be the strangest place I’ve ever had dinner with a man.”
His gaze caught hers. “Romantic?”
“Surprisingly, yes.”
He leaned back in his seat, studying her. “Then I’ve done well.”
She looked down at her empty plate, unable to stare at the strong features of his face. The twitch of his dimple when he smiled. The soft observation of his eyes. This really wasn’t turning out to be a total bust. And her resolve to not like him was quickly slipping through her fingers.
A hand appeared before her face. “Walk with me?” His voice caressed her senses. No other’s man voice had ever done that.
She looked up, feeling out of place with her inner electricity acting like he was the cure for the fire beneath her skin. That thought terrified her, but she wouldn’t tell him no. He’d gone to all this trouble. There was this churning feeling in her stomach, making her wonder if Quinn’s trouble was going to end up being her trouble, too.


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