
14 September 2013

Blog Tour: Feeling This by Casey Blue

Feeling This by Casey Blue
Genre: New Adult Romance
Release Date: September 4, 2013
Cover Design: B Design
Synopsis: Whoever said life is hard didn’t know the half of it!

Completely devastated when his life is ripped out from underneath him, Jordan Rhodes decides to take a break. A break from everything he’s always known; the country club life-style, his life-long friends and his overbearing parents. He just wants to be free to get lost and not feel the pain he has endured.

Kimber Maguire has been dealt the tough card her entire life. An ailing mom, a sister who refuses to face reality and a yearning for the one that got away, she finds putting one foot in front of the other as her only saving grace. What she really wants is to be free of feeling the pressure that is her life to get lost.

But when Jordan finds Kimber while losing himself, they both discover, sometimes you just need to feel to be found.

Meet The Author:
Casey Blue is a hopeless romantic always striving for the perfect love in which to write about. Her ideal swoony boy constantly changes. She is the Hyde to Jekyll and Hyde; whatever her other half does, she’s a little naughtier! J She is addicted to caffeine and loves Jelly Bellies. She loves imperfect characters because in the end we are all imperfect. She has been writing her whole life but ‘Feeling This’ is her first New Adult masterpiece. She is happily married with kids and lives in the sunny state of Florida.


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I hope you all enjoyed my stop on the Feeling This Blog Tour, Hosted by Into The Night Reviews Tours check out the rest of the stops on the tour here

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