
10 September 2013

Meg-A Readers Abandon Review

Abandon by Meg Cabot
Publisher: Point
Publication Date: April 26, 2011
Book Format: Hardcover
Number of Pages: 304
Synopsis: New from #1 New York Times bestselling author Meg Cabot, a dark, fantastical story about this world . . . and the underworld.

Though she tries returning to the life she knew before the accident, Pierce can't help but feel at once a part of this world, and apart from it. Yet she's never alone . . . because someone is always watching her. Escape from the realm of the dead is impossible when someone there wants you back.

But now she's moved to a new town. Maybe at her new school, she can start fresh. Maybe she can stop feeling so afraid.

Only she can't. Because even here, he finds her. That's how desperately he wants her back. She knows he's no guardian angel, and his dark world isn't exactly heaven, yet she can't stay away . . . especially since he always appears when she least expects it, but exactly when she needs him most.

But if she lets herself fall any further, she may just find herself back in the one place she most fears: the Underworld.

My Review:
I bought Abandon by Meg Cabot from the Used Book Superstore and this is my honest review.

Abandon is about a girl named Pierce who cannot seem to get away from trouble, and death for that matter. That’s basically all I needed to know to be interested in this book. But for a little more background, Pierce recently died and came back which puts her in a different state than other humans, she’s been to the underworld a place that nobody else has gone.

I have to admit that the book was very slow in the beginning. I did not completely get pulled into the book until I was at least 100 pages in but after that 100 pages I got sucked in and everything got better from there. Back to the beginning though I just had a lot of questions, I feel like the book could have used a prologue or something of that effect to explain who Pierce was and some of her story because, I think thats why I had such a hard time getting into the story because I was really confused for awhile. Another reason I was so confused a lot in the beginning is because during the course of the book we were thrown into these flashbacks that ran sometimes for a while or were sometimes short, but there were so many that I found myself forgetting when we were back in present time.

When I finally got into it though, I loved it the characters were all great! Pierce was one of my favorite characters probably because of the fact that she died and came back but I mean who wouldn’t think that was cool? I also liked her cousin Alex for awhile but there were some parts in the story where I thought he was plain mean to Pierce and that wasn’t cool. Some other characters that I enjoyed were Pierce’s uncle Chris I feel like I liked him because I kind of connected with Pierce because I have an uncle thats in jail, so I know what the experience is like. Last but not least the famous John.. Now first I want to say that John is such a common name but out of all the books I have read I can’t remember one where one of the main characters name was John which I find pretty funny but oh well.

I feel like John should have his own paragraph just so I can rave about him. From the very beginning of the book he is so dark and mysterious, let me tell you that is my kind of guy. Lets just say he was a man of little words and I liked that quite a lot. There is I think two other books in this series? I’m really looking forward to more of John!

Something I found really unique and interesting was the Island that Pierce and her family were living on because, the background behind it was so interesting I liked learning about it a lot. One story that really stuck with me was the one we heard twice in the story about how there was a crazy hurricane back in the day and all the caskets that were under ground were washed up and thrown all over the place. That story gave me the chills and it still does everytime I hear it.

Overall I ended up enjoying this book more than I thought I would due to the tough time I had getting into it in the beginning. I must say though my final thoughts are that I absolutely cannot wait for book 2, because this book left some things unsaid!

Favorite Quote:
“Check yourself before you wreck yourself.”
(This quote ran throughout the book so there wasn’t one specific page, but I found myself really enjoying this one quote so I had to reference it.)

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