
22 October 2013

Reckless Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Reckless by Danielle Weiler
Release Date: August 9, 2013
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult
Synopsis: Are you going to ask me in?’ he replied, a cheeky smile forming on the edges of his lips. Then he leaned towards me conspiratorially. ‘We aren’t strangers, you know.’

Milly Benton wants it all to go away. Wants to flip the bird to the nightmares and her parent’s grief and the incessant questions about when she’s going to make something of herself.

But when her parents exile her to the country, Milly has to cope with her annoyingly helpful aunt and three cousins instead. Bitter at the hand she’s been dealt, Milly has stopped dreaming of a future.

In steps Jerome with his tormented blue eyes. Familiar from her childhood and as broken as she. They need each other. But how can they forget?

Book Links:
Meet The Author:

Danielle Weiler loves all things written. She has her best story ideas in the middle of the night when there’s no chance to remember them the next day. Her first YA novel, Friendship on Fire, was published in 2011. Reckless is Danielle’s first novel for new adults. She has lived and taught high school in New South Wales and Victoria but prefers the sunny weather in Perth. She is kept company by her husband, son and naughty cat, Ginger.


Author Links:
‘Yoga? Really?’ I complained to Ava as we pulled up out the front of Yoga Central. ‘I thought it was going to be indoor netball or cricket.’

‘Told you it was something different.’ Ava beamed and tugged my ponytail. ‘Let’s get going. You can’t be late or they shut the doors on you.’

‘Great. Sounds like jail.’

‘Come on. How do you think you’re going to keep up appearances if you don’t exercise?’ She slapped my thigh.

‘I was planning to exercise. This isn’t exercising. It’s stretching and bending over.’

‘Sook.’ ‘Bitch.’

The instructor was squat, kind of like a butch hobbit. ‘Who is that I hear talking?’ she asked in a shrill voice.

I pulled a face at Ava, but she was drinking it all in. Great.

After twenty minutes of repetitive postures that were breaking my back, (‘stretch your arm over your head, push your hip out, until you can’t push it any further, until it’s going to dislocate. Then push further,’ she said) I lay down and felt my head spin. I lumbered to my feet and, stum- bling, made my way toward the exit sign, dripping with sweat. I’d never been so excited to see an escape route in my life.

There was a gym next door with some guys doing bench presses. I perved on them until the yoga class finally finished.

‘How awesome was that!’ gushed Ava as we collapsed into my car.

‘Don’t sweat on my seats, traitor.’

‘Come on,’ she needled. ‘Don’t be a whinger. After a few goes you’ll be loving it!’ She was on one of her exercise highs again. Exercise made me tired.

‘Oh no,’ I said, ‘I’m never going back. I’ll de-friend you. Don’t think I won’t, ’cos I will.’ I put the car into reverse and screeched out of the car park.

‘What’s up your arse?’

‘I don’t like being told what to do.’

She moved her head so that I could see her out of the corner of my eye. ‘No, no, it’s more than that. I can tell. Spill.’

She knew me too well, so I stared at the road ahead until

I could sense her eyes weren’t on me anymore. Because she seemed to have settled down a little, I let it slip.


‘I knew it was something else! What about her?’

‘She brought up Christian again.’

‘So what? Is it a crime?’

‘I don’t want to,’ I snapped. ‘And no one talks about him except her.’

‘Maybe you should?’ She’d know she was treading on thin ice, but Ava always spoke her mind.

‘Aren’t you hearing me? I don’t want to think about him, at all.’

‘It’s not like he was a horrible person, Mill. It was an accident,’ she said quietly. ‘So you’re going to have to talk about it some time.’

‘I’m living in “now”, not “some time”.’

Her voice was annoyingly soothing. ‘It’s almost two years since it happened, Mill.’

‘Can we go out for a drink?’ I said. ‘I need one.’


I was very good at distracting her. One drink in her hand and she’d stop asking questions about me.
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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