
31 October 2013

Seven Day Fiance Tour: Author Interview + Giveaway

Rachel Harris' SEVEN DAY FIANCE is finally here! 

You can get it in your hands (well, on your ereader) right now! You don't want to miss this fantastic Contemporary Romance from Rachel Harris. Book 2 in the Love and Game Series, SEVEN DAY FIANCE can be read as a standalone. Check out all of the information regarding this fantastic novel and Rachel Harris below! Then, see what we have in store for you on this blog tour stop and enter to win an awesome SEVEN DAY FIANCE Swag Basket!

Isn't that cover pretty?? Read on and find out everything you need to know below! 


Angelle Prejean is in a pickle. Her family is expecting her to come home with a fiancé—a fiancé who doesn’t exist. Well, he exists, but he definitely has no idea Angelle told her mama they were engaged. Tattooed, muscled, and hotter than sin, Cane can reduce Angelle to a hot mess with one look—and leave her heart a mess if she falls for him. But when she ends up winning Cane at a charity bachelor auction, she knows just how to solve her fiancé problem.

Cane Robicheaux is no one’s prince. He doesn’t do relationships and he doesn’t fall in love. When sweet, sultry-voiced Angelle propositions him, he hopes their little game can finally get her out of his head. He doesn’t expect her to break through all his barriers. But even as Angelle burrows deeper into his heart, he knows once their seven days are up, so is their ruse.

Rachel Harris Bio:

Rachel Harris grew up in New Orleans, where she watched soap operas with her grandmother and stayed up late sneak reading her mama’s favorite romance novels. Now a Cajun cowgirl living in Houston, she still stays up way too late reading her favorite romances, only now, she can do so openly. She firmly believes life’s problems can be solved with a hot, powdered-sugar-coated beignet or a thick slice of king cake, and that screaming at strangers for cheap, plastic beads is acceptable behavior in certain situations.

When not typing furiously or flipping pages in an enthralling romance, she homeschools her two beautiful girls and watches reality television with her amazing husband. Taste The Heat is her adult romance debut. She’s the author of MY SUPER SWEET SIXTEENTH CENTURY and A TALE OF TWO CENTURIES. She loves hearing from readers! Find her

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Author Interview:
1.    What is your favorite part about being an author and least favorite part. 

My favorite part of being an author is being an example for my girls. We homeschool, so my writing comes up all the time in different ways, and my girls get so tickled whenever I have an event or they see my book on a shelf. They talk about their dreams, and I think seeing me go after mine has shown them that nothing is impossible. That if they try hard and go after it, who knows where it can lead. The second best part is definitely talking with readers and other authors. The friendships I’ve made on this journey have been amazing—I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again. Bookish people are the best people ;)

My least favorite part…hmm. Maybe the stress I put on myself. I don’t really get the stress from anyone else, it’s all me,but wanting to make each book better, hoping that readers will love the next one as much as they love my current one. Getting ALL THE BOOKS done on deadline. Keeping up with emails, promo, editing, critiquing, writing, homeschooling, housework, and sleep—that’s an ongoing battle. But, it’s all worth it!

2. I loved Jason's story in Taste The Heat, and so far I'm loving Cane's story in Seven Day Fiance what is your favorite characteristic of both Jason and Cane.

For Jason, I loved that he was a good guy from start to finish. Yeah, he was closed off in some ways, protecting his heart, but he loved his daughter, he cared deeply about his community, and he was a protector. He made women feel safe, and I think that’s sexy.

For Cane, my favorite characteristic is his quirk. His inner nerd-flag that he doesn’t let people see, that he hides behind all the tattoos, the leather, and the bad boy charm.I just that he’s a motorcycle riding math geek (he he). But second to that is definitely how fiercely protective he is of women, of all ages. That’s hot.

3. What inspires you to write?

Readers. Honestly, giggling with them, discussing our favorite scenes, sharing the inner workings of my brain and the voices that crowd it, it’s fun. I also love settings, and losing myself in description, researching different places, and then bringing them to life on page is an exciting challenge.

4. What is one piece of advice you would give to aspiring writers?

Read, read, and read some more. Pay attention while you read, and make note of what speaks to you. What youenjoy, and what you don’t like. Certain images that jump out at you, write them down. You’ll probably see a pattern emerge that can clue you into the kind of writer you are and the types of stories you’d most like to tell. This works best if you are reading widely, too.

5. Something I'm DYING to know, you might not be able to answer but is there another book after A Tale of Two Centuries? 

Yep! I’m writing it now—My Not So Super Sweet Life. It’s contemporary and dual POV, and releases as a special digital edition January 2014. That will be followed by book three in my adult Love and Games series. It’s a busy time 

And now for the Giveaway! Go enter to win! 

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