
08 November 2013

Destiny Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

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This is my stop during the blog tour for Destiny (Destiny Trilogy #1) by Cindy Ray Hale. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours . The blog tour runs from November 5 till November 25, you can view the complete tour schedule on the Destiny blog tour page on the website of Lola's Blog Tours.

DestinyDestiny (Destiny Trilogy #1)
By Cindy Ray Hale
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Destiny Clark, a young Mormon girl living in Tennessee, is wildly infatuated with Isaac Robinson, the headmaster's son at her Baptist high school. When they're cast together in the school's production of Les Misérables, Destiny is horrified to find that she has to be publicly humiliated by acting out her true feelings of rejection onstage.
As their rehearsals begin, Destiny realizes the unimaginable: Isaac has developed deep feelings for her despite their religious differences and the fact that he has a girlfriend.
But will they be able to find their place amongst the backbiters of their ultra-conservative world?
Weaving around Destiny and Isaac's alternating viewpoints, Destiny is the first book in a series inspired by the characters of Les Misérables and explores heartbreak, self-discovery, intolerance, and love.

You can find Destiny on Goodreads

You can watch the book trailer here:

Official Author picAbout the Author:
Wife. Mother. Writer. Cindy Ray Hale lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee with her husband and four children. In addition to being a writer, she’s an avid reader and a social media junkie. She starts her morning by writing with a freshly-blended berry spinach smoothie next to her. She’s obsessed with Les Misérables, playing the piano, and stalking up-and-coming musicians on YouTube. Destiny is her first book and will be available for purchase November 2013.

You can find and contact Cindy here:
- Website
- Website for destiny
- Blog
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Goodreads
- Google+
- Pinterest

Guest Post:
The Pros and Cons of Being a Writer

Pro #1:
You get to exercise your creativity. It's so amazing to lose myself in another world. I love to imagine the golden sun sparkling on the bright orange and yellow leaves in autumn or the sound of a babbling brook soothing your broken heart. Writing is like reading on steroids. When you read something you feel like you're there if the author did a good job. When you actually are the author the magic is taken to a whole new level. Now, instead of being bound by the author's words, your possibilities are limitless. The freedom is exhilarating. The sky's the limit.

Con #1:
Writer's block. Okay, I know some people say this doesn't actually exist, that it's just life getting in the way, but it's still a problem. It's a big nasty black fog that takes over your mind and it's embedded with Facebook notifications, emails, phone calls, text messages, and the biggest worst evil of all...YouTube. *shudder*

Pro #2:
That blissful moment that comes right after you hit the worst patch of writer's block. You've written through it and even though you know you may have to rewrite the rambling garbage you just wrote while you were trying to dispel the block, it's gone and you can get back into the writing zone where the words flow freely.

Con #2:
When you're writing along and then BAM! You hit a wall. Whether it's leave a huge plot hole, is ridiculous, or conflicts with another part of the story, what you had planned just simply isn't going to work. Maybe you realize it on your own or maybe a friend points it out. Either way, it's one of the toughest parts of being a writer. When this happens to me, I'm tempted to ball up the entire thing (figuratively) and toss it out the window. I feel like a huge failure as a writer and the self-doubt starts to set in.

Pro #3:
When inspirations hits. This is my absolute favorite part of being a writer. I've never been on such a high. Inspiration never shows up when you want it to. Does it come when you're looking the hardest, researching, staying up late into the night fretting over it? Nope. It arrives when you decide to forget about it for a while. Maybe after you've just finished reading a good book or movie, and you've decided to finally tackle that pile of laundry in the corner. If you at my house, it's the three piles of laundry--one for each bedroom. That's when it hits you like a beam of light from heaven. I can't count all the times I've had a major breakthrough doing laundry or dishes. Usually when that happens, all the despair from the days before vanishes, and for a while, everything is perfect again and you remember why you decided to take on such a crazy venture.

I'm pretty sure I could find a Con #3, but after Pro #3, who wants hear another con? 

And there is a tour wide gveaway, here is what you can win:
- A Destiny Swag Pack:including a signed copy of Destiny, a Destiny keychain, a t-shirt that says "I heart Destiny," a Destiny bookmark.
- a $25 Amazon Gift Card
- Camp Boyfriend Swag pack.

For a chance to win enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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