
04 November 2013

Review: Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender

Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender
Publisher: Scholastic Press
Release Date: September 24, 2013
Book Format: ARC
Number of Pages: 296
Colette Iselin is excited to go to Paris on a class trip. She’ll get to soak up the beauty

 and culture, and maybe even learn something about her family’s French roots.

But a series of gruesome murders are taking place across the city, putting everyone on edge.

 And as she tours museums and palaces, Colette keeps seeing a strange vision: a pale

woman in a ball gown and powdered wig, who looks suspiciously like Marie Antoinette.

Colette knows her popular, status-obsessed friends won’t believe her, so she seeks out the

 help of a charming French boy. Together, they uncover a shocking secret involving a dark,

 hidden history. When Colette realizes she herself may hold the key to the mystery, her own life 

is suddenly in danger . . .

Acclaimed author Katie Alender brings heart-stopping suspense to this story of revenge, 

betrayal, intrigue — and one killer queen.

My Review:
I received Marie Antoinette, Serial Killer by Katie Alender from Scholastic and this is my honest review.

Colette Iselin is a teenage girl who is dealing with her parents recent divorce. Her mother feels guilty because everything they had basically went down the drain, so she works her butt off to give Colette what she deserves which is a trip to Paris with her french class. This is basically where the whole book takes place and the descriptions were so beautiful.

I liked how Alender split up the actual chapters of the book with the murders so as soon as you saw the italicized print you knew someone was about to die which excited me it was pretty suspenseful. There were a few things about the book that kind of annoyed me though. First often in the book there were different french phrases whenever a character was talking to someone who only spoke french which would have been fine if they gave some sort of clue as to what it meant because I don’t speak french so every time there was a french line I was pretty annoyed because I had no clue what was being said. Also Colettes personality up until the end of course drove me up a wall! Don’t get me wrong I liked Colette she had a good heart but she really was a coward and I wish she would have stood up to people especially Hannah god I hated her.

There were parts that I loved as well though like the moment on top of the Eiffel Tower with Jules and Colette that moment made the whole book for me it was so sweet! Well every moment with Jules & Colette was extremely sweet. On a totally different note the whole Marie Antoinette serial killer thing was pretty interesting. I enjoyed these parts of the book because there was never a stop in facts. Colette and her friends were always finding out new and very interesting things that were both exciting and life threatening.

Even though the annoying things almost outweighed the awesome things I did enjoy this book for so many reasons, and I’ve heard that Alenders books were amazing so I cannot wait to get my hands on them.

1 comment:

  1. It can seriously be aggravating when they switch languages, I hear you.


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