
25 November 2013

The Sound of Shooting Stars Tour: Guest Post + Giveaway

The Sound of Shooting Stars by Heather Allen
Genre: Contemporary YA
Release Date: November 11, 2013
Synopsis: Jamie Grey grew up tossed around between foster homes. At an early age he shut the world out, deciding he wouldn’t care. Whatever life had to throw at him, he would look the other way. Now his senior year is about to start and he’s been forced into yet another new home. This will be the last time, he assures himself. When an unexpected curveball comes his way in the form of a certain stubborn seventeen year old girl, Jamie soon finds out that life doesn’t always work out the way you plan it.

Beckett Chase has been entitled her entire life. Living in the plush landscape of Palm Beach, Florida, she’s never wanted for anything. She’s always taken what and who she wants with no remorse. When she sets her sights on Jamie Grey and she’s met with rejection, her descent from the top begins.

With a twist of events causing Jamie and Beckett’s worlds to collide, will they be able to put aside their differences or will fate intervene offering an entirely different option?

Meet The Author:
Heather Allen is the author of The Just Breathe Trilogy, and newly released- The Sound of Shooting Stars. Heather finally realized her dream of becoming an author only recently with her mermaid trilogy. She savors every moment on this new journey and the wonderful friends she has met along the way. She has many more books planned. More ideas pop up than she has time to write about.

Heather currently resides in the scorching hot state of Florida with her husband and three children. She holds degrees in education from The University of Central Florida and Nova Southeastern University. She is a hopeless romantic who loves to read just about anything, coffee and Jelly Belly jellybeans. When she isn’t teaching, writing or reading, Heather can be found at the beach or out on the water boating.

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Guest Post:
What is it like balancing a writing career with your normal life?
Quite the interesting topic…Maybe when someone learns how to do this they can teach me how! J It’s difficult to say the least. I do have a normal life aside from writing. Someday I’d like to write and call that my normal life but until then I am a literacy coach by day and writer by night. I have 3 kids, a fourteen year old, twelve year old; both boys and a princess, my five year old girl. She is only a princess by environmental influences, ruined for life by the bigger people in her world!
So yes a normal day for me is chaotic at best. I work at an elementary school teaching/coaching in the area of reading all day. Then it’s sports, dinner, homework, and bedtime in no particular order. “JUST GIVE ME MORE TIME!” I usually settle down on the couch with my headphones in around eight o’clock each night. I’m lucky after all the social on line sites, to get in a good hour of writing. BUT, yes, there is but, somehow it all works out. The Sound of Shooting Stars is my fifth book to be released in a year. I have many more planned and just thinking about them makes me tired but that eight o’clock houris what I strive for and look forward to each day. All day long I get to experience the world and people that are important to me. At night I get to make up new people to talk to and manipulate their stories. In some freaky way it all works out for me.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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