
08 December 2013

Storm Warning Tour: Excerpt + Giveaway

Storm Warning by E. Lee & C. Quinn
Synopsis: Sometimes you don’t see the storm coming until it’s too late...

Severe Storm Warning Tip #1:
Be alert to changing weather conditions. Look for approaching storms.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #2:
If you see approaching storms or any of the danger signs, be prepared to take shelter immediately.

Severe Storm Warning Tip #3:
They may strike quickly, with little or no warning.

Situated just outside of Oklahoma City, Calumet County is divided into two drastically different communities: Hope’s Grove and Summit Bluffs. One is the small backward town where dirt roads lead the way to field parties and railroad tracks. And the other, a sprawling suburb where paved drives lead to the landscaped lawns of the wealthy and privileged.

For five teenagers smack in the middle of Tornado Alley, summer is heating up fast. The winds of change are blurring the invisible line that divides the rich and the rural.

One has a secret.
One has a crush.
One has been lying.
One will get caught.
And one might not make it out alive.

They’re from two different worlds…but one summer is about to change everything.

Meet The Authors:
E. Quinn

Caisey Quinn

Whether you believe in destiny, divine intervention, or just plain ol' dumb luck, several things happened in 2013 that caused E. Lee and C. Quinn's paths to cross. It may have been that the stars aligned perfectly, or the fact anytime Luke Bryan was mentioned on a social media site both of them were tagged, or maybe it was just that their small town roots and country girl attitudes were magnetically drawn together—calling out to one another, “Y'all should write a book!” Despite geography keeping them apart—Lee in Illinois and Quinn in Alabama—they did. Thanks to three-hour phone calls, ridiculous amounts of online chats, and umpteen Google Docs—Storm Warning is the first book in their edgy new Young Adult series,  Broken Heartland.


I’m not saying that we should break up exactly.” Cameron Michelson glanced in the mirror at the reflection of her boyfriend of two years, who was still lying shirtless across the bed in his room. She applied a thin layer of slick gloss to her perfect pout before adding,  “I just think with you going to stay with your grandparents for the summer and me going to St. Tropez, we should take some time apart.  You know, like a break. Not a break up.
She studied the feigned look of concern on Hayden’s face.  A part of her wanted him to reject her suggestion because the idea of being important to someone was a driving force in her way of life, but she knew that he’d agree to the break.  
Sure, she loved Hayden. But she knew as well as he did that they weren’t in love.  They were together because that was the way it was supposed to be.  Popular guys and popular girls from the same financial standing were supposed to be together.  At least that’s what her parents had raised her to believe.  
So, when they were freshmen in high school and their peers were pairing off into couples, Hayden and Cami—as she was known as by those closest to her—decided it would be in their best interest, and most beneficial to their reputations, to become the it couple at Summit Bluffs High School. They had based their relationship on the friendship they’d developed growing up in the elite circle their parents forced them into, complete with built-in wealth, status, and popularity.  
Cami and Hayden understood the pressures that came with being expected to be perfect.  Both of them had parents that pushed them to excel and achieve even when they didn’t want to—Cami with pageants and Hayden with lacrosse—not to mention the 4.0 GPA’s they were expected to maintain while climbing the social ladder.
Okay, ” Hayden finally answered.  “I mean, if that’s what you want,” he added.  She could tell that he was just saying it to soften the blow to her ego and that he would be just fine without her this summer.  She smiled, noting that Hayden Prescott did have a sweet side, despite his arrogant facade. She also admired the way his chiseled stomach remained tight as he sat up and scooted to the end of the bed.  “How about one more round for old time sake?” Before she could say a word, he grabbed her thighs and pulled her back into his lap.  The popularity and reputation boosts weren’t the only benefits to their relationship.  
They’d been each other’s firsts and definitely enjoyed thebenefit of each other’s company. Or at least, she was pretty sure she’d been his first.
Well,” Cami began, turning in his lap to face him. “If you insist.”
He ran his thumb across her lips removing the gloss she’d just applied. “Oh, I insist.”


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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