
05 January 2014

Book Blogger New Years Challenge Day 2: Pros & Cons of Blogging

The Book Blogger New Year's Challenge is this awesome 14 day challenge of everything about the book blogging world, and it was created by Rachel over at Parajunkee!

Day 2: Pros & Cons of Blogging

  • Getting to do more with my reading then just read and forget.
  • Talking to all the different people in the book blogging community about books
  • Getting free books from publishers
  • Reading in general!
  • Being contacted by authors who want you to read their book or promote it somehow
  • Book hauls

  • Blogger Malfunctions
  • Not being able to finish books on time.
  • Accepting books to review that you end up not liking
  • Getting so backed up on review books that you cannot accept anymore
  • Backed up schedules

Thanks for stopping by! Here's the schedule :)

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