
08 January 2014

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday was created and is hosted by Breaking The Spine and it is a weekly meme where we show you which book we just cannot be patient for! 

My Book:
Flame by Amy Kathleen Ryan
Release Date: January 7, 2014
Synopsis: In the thrilling conclusion to the Sky Chasers series Waverly, Kieran, and Seth struggle to survive on-board the New Horizon—and take down their enemies before it's too late.

Waverly and the other members of the Empyrean have scattered, and their home ship has been destroyed. Their mission to rescue their parents didn't go as planned, and now they're at an even greater disadvantage: trapped with their enemies on the New Horizon, trying to find a way to survive. Kieran has been pulled under Anne Mather’s wing, but is she really trying to make peace, or just using Kieran to build her own power? Meanwhile, Waverly is taken in by a mysterious old man who wants to help her bring Anne Mather down—but the more Waverly cooperates with him, the more dangerous her position is, and the more at odds with Kieran she becomes.

Seth's situation is even worse. After setting out from the Empyrean on his own, with only a vague strategy to guide him, he is a fugitive aboard the New Horizon. He's doing what he can to challenge the power of Anne Mather, but he's badly hurt, and getting sicker.

Will Seth ever see Waverly again? Will his health hold out long enough to help her topple their enemies? And will Waverly find a way to unite with her friends before they all fall? Nothing is sure and every moment is a risk in this explosive finale of the Sky Chasers series.

I have read the first two books in this trilogy and they were so so good! So as you can imagine, I am dying to read the third and final book. I guess I cheated a little considering this book actually came out yesterday, but to be fair I do not have the book yet so it is still something I am waiting for! 

Have you read this trilogy yet? Let me know in the comments!


  1. Ooh nice! Haven't heard of this one yet. But the cover is really intriguing! Might have to look into this one!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

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