Welcome to my tour stop for Girls Love Travis Walker by Anne Pfeffer. This is a New Adult contemporary recommended for ages 16+. The tour will consist of reviews, with a few guest posts and interviews.
To nineteen-year-old high school dropout Travis Walker, women are like snowflakes--each one different, but beautiful in her own way. He can charm any girl he meets, and yet down deep he fears he'll always be a loser like his jailbird father. As the landlady threatens to evict him and his sick mother, Travis takes a job he hates and spends his evenings picking up girls at a nearby night spot. When he enlists in a teen program at the local fire station, he finds out he’s amazing at it. Then he meets the smoking hot Kat Summers, enlists Kat’s friend Zoey to help him woo her, and falls in love for the first time ever. But he keeps the details of his life secret. His girl will never love him back if she knows the truth about him….
Learn about the author at:
My Review:
I received Girls Love Travis Walker by Anne Pfeffer from the publishers for a blog tour, and this is my honest review.
I am really glad that I chose to be apart of this tour, because I really enjoyed the book. It was a break from the dark books I have been reading lately which is one of the reasons I liked it so much. The book was about a teenager named Travis who was about to drop out of high school, and was having a really rough time dealing with everything going on in his life. There were only a few characters actively involved in the book which made it better because it wasn’t hard to follow at all.
When we first met Travis I was disgusted because he seemed like one of those crappy guys who treats girls like crap 24/7. But the author did an amazing job transforming his character from the very beginning of the book all the way to the last page. I loved watching Travis change right before my eyes it was pretty magical. He went from a low life high school dropout who played with girls’ heads, to a man in love with a great job and his life back on track.
I couldn’t stop turning the pages, the whole time I was reading this book. I never wanted to put it down because I always wanted to know what was going on with Travis, like how his mother was, if he was going to get evicted, or how Zoey was. All the characters were great and I could not get enough of them!
Zoey was great, she is the kind of girl I want to be. Strong and she was not about to take crap from any guy especially Travis. The relationship between Travis and Zoey was nowhere near perfect but it ended perfectly!
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So glad you enjoyed the book! Thanks so much for hosting a tour stop!