
01 May 2014

Review: Dead River by Cyn Balog

Dead River by Cyn Balog 
Publisher: Delacorte Press
Release Date: April 9, 2013
Number of Pages: 242
Book Format: Hardcover
Synopsis: My friends and I are spending prom weekend at a remote wooded cabin on the Dead. The Dead River. I thought it was going to be just us.I was wrong. Nothing is what it seems in this creepy paranormal thriller by Cyn Balog.

Meet The Author:

Cyn Balog is a normal, everyday Jersey Girl who always believed magical things can happen to us when we least expect them. She is author of young adult paranormals FAIRY TALE (2009), SLEEPLESS(2010), STARSTRUCK (2011), TOUCHED (2012), and her most recent release: DEAD RIVER (2013).e. She lives outside Allentown, Pennsylvania with her husband and daughters.

She also writes under the pen name Nichola Reilly. Nichola Reilly is Cyn Balog's post-apocalyptic fantasy-writing alter-ego. The first book in her series, DROWNED, will be releasing from Harlequin TEEN sometime in 2014, followed by a sequel, BURIED, in 2015.

My Review:
I borrowed Dead River Cyn Balog from work and this is my honest review!

Dead River is about a girl named Kiandra who decides to accompany her boyfriend and cousin up to a cabin to go white water rafting. She has to lie to her father in the process though because a few years back her mother drowned herself in a river near by her house. From that day on her father has always kept a close eye on Kiandra when it comes to water.

This book jumped out at me because of its chilling cover but also because of the size of the book. I needed a quick read to get in in between review books. Sadly I was disappointed, don’t get me wrong I enjoyed the book but I could not get into it for long periods at a time. I had to read it slowly which took away from the book for me. 
The characters intrigued me quite a bit but it would have been nice if there was a little bit more development to them, or if the readers could have gotten to know them better I felt like the characters were really distant. 

There were a few parts in the book that got my attention pretty nicely. The point in the book when Kiandra falls off the side of the raft and goes into her own little world for awhile I loved that part. There was the perfect amount of action and mystery. As well as when everyone was sitting around the campfire telling scary stories. The stories everyone told gave me the chills so badly and I loved it!

Overall the book was okay not something I would consider reading again. But I would definitely give other books by the author a try, because I have looked at a few of them and they sound pretty interesting. 

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