
10 June 2014

What Do YOU Want To See? Plus Updates & News!

Hello all! How is everyone doing on this lovely tuesday morning? I have so many updates and a plethora of good news to share and I can't wait to get started! For starts I imagine if you're reading this then you have already noticed my new blog. I had some technical difficulties with it, so I had to have an emergency template put up until my design was done and ready! So I hope you all like the temporary design, let me know what you think in the comments!

Next up, today Tuesday June 10, 2014 is my last day of school ever in my high school career. Which means that on Friday June 13,  I am graduating! 

It feels amazing but also scary at the same time. I have been accepted to Southern New Hampshire University to major in Creative Writing, and I do intend to go there full time in the fall, which is exciting but one of the scariest things ever. But hey, I made it through high school I think I can make it through anything. 

Anyhow, lets talk about the blog. I fully intend to keep the blog around for a while but i want to know what you guys want to see on the blog from now on. So in the comments I want you guys to tell me what you want to see more of. That includes book hauls, personal posts like this, obviously reviews, book tours, and book blitzes and whatever else you want to see! Tell me in the comments I really want everyones feedback! Also if you have a blog, that you're pretty sure I'm not following leave me links in the comments as well and I'll be sure to stop by!

Thanks everyone for stopping by and I cannot wait to hear from you!


  1. I love the new look Paige! So light and fresh! Very nice! And Congratulations on graduation!! That's fantastic! :D

    1. Thanks so much! and thanks for stopping by :)


I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)