
28 July 2014

Early Review: Mary: The Summoning by Hillary Monahan

Mary: The Summoning by Hilary Monahan
Publisher: Disney-Hyperion
Release Date: September 2, 2014
Book Format: ARC
# of Pages: 256
Synopsis: There is a right way and a wrong way to summon her. 

Jess had done the research. Success requires precision: a dark room, a mirror, a candle, salt, and four teenage girls. Each of them--Jess, Shauna, Kitty, and Anna--must link hands, follow the rules . . . and never let go. 

A thrilling fear spins around the room the first time Jess calls her name: "Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary. BLOODY MARY." A ripple of terror follows when a shadowy silhouette emerges through the fog, a specter trapped behind the mirror. 

Once is not enough, though--at least not for Jess. Mary is called again. And again. But when their summoning circle is broken, Bloody Mary slips through the glass with a taste for revenge on her lips. As the girls struggle to escape Mary's wrath, loyalties are questioned, friendships are torn apart, and lives are forever altered.

A haunting trail of clues leads Shauna on a desperate search to uncover the legacy of Mary Worth. What she finds will change everything, but will it be enough to stop Mary--and Jess--before it's too late?

Meet The Author:
Hillary Monahan is Eva Darrows is also an international woman of mystery. Holed up in Massachusetts with three smelly basset hounds, she writes funny, creepy things for fun and profit.

My Review:
I received Mary: The Summoning by Hilary Monahan from Around The World ARC Tours and this is my honest review.

Finding out there was a fictional book about Bloody Mary was exciting for the sole reason that me and my best friends used to play “Bloody Mary” at summer camp when we were younger. Of course nothing came of it but for a couple young girls we had fun scaring the crap out of ourselves! 

My initial thoughts about the main characters are that I dislike Jess for so many reasons. I hate her type of people, shes the type that bosses around her friends and makes them feel bad. She is not a true friend in any way whatsoever. Shauna and Kitty kind of annoyed me because they could not for the life of them stand up for themselves when Jess was clearly treating them awfully. My favorite character was Anna by far because she knew how to stand up for herself especially against Jess and it was awesome.

Monahan did a phenomenal job describing all of the creepy scenes with Mary, and just describing Mary in general. Another thing the author did well was throw in twists that im sure no one saw coming. From page one there was action and it went on throughout the whole book, I could not stop turning the pages. Can I just say Jess totally got what she deserved, enough said. Overall I rated this book a 5 out of 5 stars.

Favorite Quote: 
“I hope Mary eats him,” she said.
“Kitty!” (Pg 98)

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