
23 July 2014

Early Review: Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Katie Coyle

Vivian Apple At The End Of The World by Katie Coyle
Publisher: HMH Books For Young Readers
Release Date: January 6, 2015
# of Pages: 272
Book Format: ARC
Synopsis: Seventeen-year-old Vivian Apple never believed in the evangelical Church of America, unlike her recently devout parents. But when Vivian returns home the night after the supposed "Rapture," all that’s left of her parents are two holes in the roof. Suddenly, she doesn't know who or what to believe. With her best friend Harp and a mysterious ally, Peter, Vivian embarks on a desperate cross-country roadtrip through a paranoid and panic-stricken America to find answers. Because at the end of the world, Vivan Apple isn't looking for a savior. She's looking for the truth.

Meet The Author:
Katie Coyle grew up in Fair Haven, New Jersey and has an MFA from the University of Pittsburgh. Her debut novel VIVIAN APPLE AT THE END OF THE WORLD (previously released in the UK as VIVIAN VERSUS THE APOCALYPSE) will be published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt in January 2015. Her short fiction has appeared in One Story, The Southeast Review, Cobalt, and Critical Quarterly. She lives in San Francisco with her husband, and blogs at

My Review:
I received Vivian Apple at the End of the World by Katie Coyle from Around The World ARC Tours for my honest review.

I chose this book, ultimately because the synopsis pulled me in. But I have to admit after the first few chapters I was not sure that this book would be for me. The first probably quarter of the book is about religion, basically how Vivian believes and the beliefs of her parents and other people. Before I put the book down for good though, I started to realize that the book was not telling anybody how to believe it was just telling a story about something that happened in a world where believers and non believers are split in two.

The farther I got into the book the more I liked it. The characters started to come more to life, the story line picked up and kept my eyes glued to the pages, I loved it. On to the characters, I enjoyed Vivian because although she did not believe in what her parents did she was still respectful and still loved her parents a lot. Which was the complete opposite of Harp who hated her parents and rebelled every chance she got. But as the book went on I started to love Harp like she was my own best friend. 

The road trip, and few stops along the way were by far the most entertaining. Peter was a sweet guy and I am glad the girls allowed him to tag along. Sparks between him and Vivian could have flew a little earlier but overall I was happy with what I got. Peter did something stupid near the end that broke my heart, which is why I am hoping there is a second book to resolve that situation. 

Overall I gave the book a 4 out of 5 stars, It like I said was slow at first but it quickly picked up and got interesting. But that is no surprise road trip books are always good right?

Favorite Quotes:
“That I’m the hero of my own life story.” “It isn’t my mother, and it isn’t Harp. It’s me.”

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