
01 September 2014

Book Tour: Rival Love by Natalie Decker

Rival Love by Natalie Decker
Release Date: August 26, 2014
Synopsis: Skylar Fletcher is a proud Harris Academy Bulldog! She has everything she’s ever wanted: a perfect boyfriend, great friends, and her dream college waiting for her in the fall. But nothing lasts forever. Skylar's world shatters when her mom decides it is time to move and drags Skylar, kicking and screaming, into Bobcat territory.

At Delmont High School, home of the Bobcats, Skylar has no friends and is often bullied. To make matters worse, her home life sucks thanks to all-star quarterback Caleb Morgan, nephew of her mom's live-in boyfriend.

At first Skylar and Caleb want nothing to do with one another. But they soon discover they're not that different after all--and each is harboring a secret attraction to the other. But can a Bulldog and a Bobcat ever really be more than friends? And are Skylar and Caleb willing to risk everything to find out? Rival Love is a debut young adult contemporary romance from Natalie Decker.

Meet The Author:
Natalie Decker is the Author of Rival Love. She loves oceans, sunsets, sand between her toes, and carefree days. Her imagination is always going, which some find odd. But she believes in seeing the world in a different light at all times. Her first passion for writing started at age twelve when she had to write a poem for English class. However, seventh grade wasn’t her favorite time and books were her source of comfort. She took all college prep classes in High school, and attended the University of Akron. Although she studied Mathematics she never lost her passion for writing or her comfort in books. She’s a mean cook in the kitchen, loves her family and friends and her awesome dog infinity times infinity. If she’s not writing, reading, traveling, hanging out with her family and friends, then she’s off having an adventure. Because Natalie believes in a saying: Your life is your own journey, so make it amazing!

“Let’s get this shit over with.” I march forward. Once I’m halfway to the doors, I glance back. She’s actually following. A permanent scowl is on her face, but I don’t really give a crap about that.
Opening the side door, I wait for her. I should slam it in her face, but I don’t. A part of me knows how much this must suck for her. The other part wants her to be so freaking miserable it isn’t funny. Especially, after she decided to go all dog and bite me. Crazy bitch.
I glance down at her schedule and make my way through the long hallway then up the flight of stairs labeled “C wing.” Up on the third floor, we walk down two more halls and I stop at room 310. “Here’s where your social psychology class is, hopefully you learn something in there.”
She curls her upper lip and mouths, “Hopefully you learn something.”
“Right. Moving on to your next class.”
We work our way over to the next flight of stairs and head down to the basement floor. Over in the E wing, at room 12, I chuckle. “And this is Italian IV.”Of course she’d take Italian for four years. So she’s one of those stuck-up, wannabe chicks who dreams of going abroad and sucking down wine all day. Dream on, girl, dream on.
“What’s so funny about taking Italian?”
I’m not answering her stupid question. If she wants to take the most pointless language on the planet, that’s her choice. With a schedule like hers I don’t know why she’s not taking Chinese or freaking Japanese.
She taps her foot. “Well?”
I shake my head. “When are you going to use it?”
“When I go to Italy with my dad next summer. Any more questions you want to ask me?”
I can see the challenge in her eyes. She wants me to mock her again so she can twist it around and make me look like a dipshit. I sort of feel like one, but it’s not enough to stop me from asking her, “Why don’t you live with him?”
She looks down at the tiled floor and sighs audibly. “He’s a professor in New York. He’s constantly working—lectures, papers, whatever.” She bites her lower lip and looks away.
“So you believe he’s too busy for you?”
Skylar shrugs. “It doesn’t matter. Can we not talk about my dad right now?” She stalks off and it makes me curious. What’s she hiding?
I could pry but then that would leave a door open for her to do the same. My own past is a closed door, and won’t be revisited any time soon. So instead of questioning her more, we continue down the hall in silence. Working my way to the B wing of the building, I zigzag us through different halls until we reach room 204. “Civics is here and two doors down is World Literature.” I can’t believe we’ve got these two classes together. I’m not about to tell her either, who knows what stupid shit she might pull next.
In silence, we make our way back to the basement area and into the commons. “This is the lunch area. Over there”—I point to the right, away from the large open space filled with round tables and chairs—“that’s the new gym. And over to the left behind that oval glass window is the pool. Of course you know that.”
She nods. “Yeah. What’s next?”
“Do you want to see the pool?”


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