
30 January 2015

Early Review: Finding Paris by Joy Preble

Finding Paris by Joy Preble
Publisher: Balzer & Bray
Release Date: April 21, 2015
# of Pages: 272
Synopsis: A page-turning, evocative novel for fans of THIRTEEN REASONS WHY and SPEAK, about a girl who must follow a trail of mysterious clues to discover what happened to her sister.

Sisters Leo and Paris Hollings have only ever had each other to rely on. They can’t trust their mother, who hops from city to city and from guy to guy, or their gambler stepfather, who’s moved them all to Las Vegas. It’s just the two of them: Paris, who’s always been the dreamer, and Leo, who has a real future in mind—going to Stanford, becoming a doctor, falling in love.

But Leo isn’t going anywhere yet… until Paris ditches her at the Heartbreak Hotel Diner, where moments before they had been talking with physics student Max Sullivan. Outside, Leo finds a cryptic note from Paris—a clue. Is it some kind of game? Where is Paris, and why has she disappeared?

When Leo reluctantly accepts Max’s offer of help, the two find themselves following a string of clues through Vegas and beyond. But the search for the truth is a not a straight line. And neither is the path to secrets Leo and Max hold tightly.

My Review:
I received Finding Paris by Joy Preble from the program, Around The World ARC Tours where you can get ARCS to read and review, and then pass on to the next person.

Finding Paris was amazing the whole way through. The characters were great, the plot was intense with all its plot twists I found myself never wanting to put the book down. In the very beginning we meet sisters Leo and Paris. First off I love the way they are introduced, with Paris waking Leo up in the middle of the night for pie because of a boy. It just showed their character and I found it very interesting.

When Tommy is first introduced, there was not anything I felt was strange about him. He just seemed like a normal drunken stepfather, this is really common in books so I did not think anything of it. I immediately loved Max when he came into the picture. The way Leo approached him with pie in hand, it was incredibly cute and I loved it.

I obviously already knew that Paris was going to disappear because it reveals that to us in the synopsis but I was still confused when it happened. The first not said something like he made me do it, and I kept trying to figure out who ‘he’ was but I did not start figuring it out who it was until the end of the book. Paris leaving almost was a good thing though because it really brought Leo and Max together for the better. The two had their ups and downs yes but they had just met, they cannot be expected to love everything about each other right away. So the few tiffs they had were to be expected.

The ending completely threw me! I was definitely not expecting what happened. I read the few pages that the secret came out on and said out loud, “plot twist,” everyone around me was confused but it made sense to me. In the end I fell more in love with the bond that Paris and Leo had for each other, and what lengths they were willing to go to for each other. I have always wanted a sister so I could have that kind of bond with someone. 


  1. I've seen this book on Goodreads and it sounded pretty good! And now it looks like it's even better than I though, so I'll add it to my WL, thanks! :D

    ps. I have a blog as well, both in Italian and in English. I'd love if you wanted to check that out! :D ->


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