
26 March 2015

Cover Reveal: Set In Stone by Rachel Robinson

We are so excited to bring you the Cover Reveal for Rachel Robinson's SET IN STONE!! SET IN STONE is the standalone companion novel to the Rachel's International Bestseller, CRAZY GOOD. Be sure to add SET IN STONE to your Goodreads TBR pile and grab your copy April 9th!!   Set in Stone -Cover 

SET IN STONE Synopsis: A standalone companion novel to the International Bestseller, CRAZY GOOD. There is something all too vague about second chances. What happens when your utterly perfect first chance never really ends? What if it’s stolen? Bull-nosed attorney Morganna Sterns knows what she wants. Self assured, powerful, and independent, she finds herself struggling to find balance between honoring what has been stolen, and deciding if her second chance is going to end just as tragically. Steven Warner is a Navy SEAL with nothing to lose. His overt humor and charm paired with his lethal skill set make him a perfect catch--for the right type of woman. His world is littered with relationships, but only one stands the test of time. Competing with a ghost is hard. Especially when that ghost is a teammate: his brother at arms. It’s not, “it is what it is.” It’s what you make it. What you, and only you decide it should be. Navy SEALs never make the same mistake t twice. Will Morganna?  

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Rachel Robinson - Headshot   
 About Rachel Robinson: Rachel Robinson grew up in a small, quiet town full of loud talkers. Her words were always only loud on paper. She has been writing stories and creating characters for as long as she can remember. After living on the west coast for many years she recently moved to Virginia Beach, VA. Crazy Good, her contemporary romance novel, is an International Amazon bestseller.    

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