
17 April 2015

Book Blitz: Half Breed Queen by L.A. Hendricks

Half Breed Queen (Skatia Narratives, #1)
Release Date: March 2015
322 pages

Summary from Goodreads:
Devastating tragedy puts 14-year-old high school freshman Marla Owens, on a fast-paced journey of survival, revival and coming of age. Driven by a force she can't begin to understand and a burning need to find out the truth, she heads toward her mother's home in North Dakota. She soon learns more about herself and her family than she could have ever imagined — her mother was royal heir to the powerful Skatian throne! And now the Skatian people need her to protect their world from those who wish to conquer it.

In a classic tale of good versus evil, set on Earth and beyond, a young girl fights to survive to become a young woman—and the reluctant queen of Skatia. Who can she trust? Will she be able to control her own immense abilities and justified anger to do what's right? One thing's for sure: Marla's not in Texas anymore!

About the Author:
LA Hendricks is an IT project manager by day and science fiction/fantasy novelist by night. A longtime lover of words, she reads science fiction, fantasy and paranormal romance novels regularly (when there is time). When not reading, writing or working, LA can most often be found watching football or basketball with her adorable cat, Mona.

Author Links:
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“What did I miss?”
“Nothing, Daddy. Mom is working on her cake for the baking competition and we were discussing the fair.”
Her father’s face changed from amused to worried, as his eyes darted from his wife to his daughter and back again.
“Oh, that...” he started. “I mean, of course, I understand. You want to go with your girlfriends. It's about time, too. Can't be out there macking on the boys if you're with your old man.” The smile on his lips didn't quite reach his eyes. Marla walked over to her dad and nudged him with her elbow.
“Really, Dad? Who says 'macking' anymore? The girls and I are going to the fair on Saturday. Tonight I'm hanging with my pops.” She reached up and kissed her dad on the cheek, rolled her eyes toward her mom, and ran upstairs to call her friends.
“What did you say to her? I told you it was all right, Andi. She could have gone with her friends tonight. I wouldn't have minded at all.”
She looked up and smiled at her husband; the man she had loved with her whole heart for more than 20 years. She studied his face, trying to determine how much of their conversation he’d overheard. She decided it wasn’t much, so she replied, “Liar.”
He walked around the counter behind Andi and wrapped his arms around her waist. He nuzzled her neck with his nose and kissed her cheek before speaking.
“Actually, I was planning to go with you to the bake-off tomorrow. And afterward, we could get some cotton candy like we used to do when we were first married. You remember... I would try to steal kisses from you on the Ferris wheel.”
“And you still can. But I think it's important that you and Marla keep up this tradition. Besides, I have some serious baking to do, and I do not need you sulking around here all night.”
He stuck his tongue out at her then headed for the stairs. Andi sighed and rolled her head from side to side, stretching out her neck. The bad feelings in her gut had been worsening throughout the day and she didn't think the feeling had anything to do with the baking competition. Getting her husband and daughter out of the house gave her some comfort that they would be safe from whatever was giving her ill feelings. She may not be what she once was, but enough of her old strength remained that she knew better than to ignore her intuition.

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