
23 June 2015

Review: The Eternity Key by Bree Despain

The Eternity Key by Bree Despain 
Publisher: EgmontUSA

Release Date: May 12, 2015
Book Format: ARC
# of Pages: 368
Synopsis: Fan-favorite author Bree Despain continues her modern-day romance trilogy inspired by the Greek myth of Persephone and Hades with this second book in her Into the Dark series.

Haden Lord, the disgraced Prince of the Underrealm, has chosen love over honor and will do everything in his power to protect Daphne Raines, the human girl he was supposed to bring to the Underrealm. Haden’s choice is put to the test as the Skylords and a figure from his past arrive in Olympus Hills with a plan that could destroy all of the realms.

Embracing her destiny as the Cypher, Daphne begins to understand the immense power of her musical ability to control the elements, but she must come to terms with her feelings for Haden and what she must sacrifice in order to protect him and her friends.

Believing the Key of Hades is the only thing that can stop the Underrealm Court from releasing the monstrous Keres on the mortal world, Haden, Daphne, and their friends set out to find the Key before Persephone’s Gate opens again on the spring equinox.

My Review:
I received The Eternity Key by Bree Despain because I was chosen to be an ambassador for the Into The Dark trilogy, and this is my honest review.

Normally, I do not like to dive right into a sequel after reading the book before it, but with these books I just could not resist. I had to know what was going on with Daphne, and Haden. I just could not resist. Book two picks up after the crew headed back to Olympus Hills to keep up with production of the play Joe was producing as well as to put together a plan to find the locket they lost, and for Daphne to lead them to the key.

We had a few new characters in this book as well as some characters held more importance than they did in the first book. For instance, Tobin got his own chapter. I am still not sure how I feel about that, but I guess it did end up adding to the story. I spent pretty much the whole book wishing Haden would man up and tell Daphne how he felt, and you can imagine that I was devastated with what happened when he finally did, and then with what happened to both of them at the end of the book. I can only hope that things will be better for them in book 3.

So many secrets, and shockers were revealed in this book that I found it hard to stay in my seat. I often found myself pacing back and forth in my apartment while reading because I just could not stay still for the life of me. By the end of this book I was literally drained from everything that had happened. All of the secrets, and betrayals, and other things took my by surprise. I could not even try to write this review until at least a week later because everything was still rolling around crazily in my head. In the end, I realize that this book was absolutely amazing. I love how Despain made everything played out. It left me quite literally foaming at the mouth for more, and I cannot wait for book 3 to make an appearance. I definitely would recommend this trilogy!

Favorite Quotes:

“You mean your brother came all the way from the underworld to tell you he plays for the other team? Did you faint or something?”
“What?” I slur. “What other team?”
“Haden has difficulties with euphemisms.” (Pg 125)

“My traitorous heart wants me to invite him to come inside but, my head tells me to stick with my worlds. I turn out the light and sit in the window seat, watching him watch out for me.” (Pg 234) 


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