
09 June 2015

Review: Something Strange & Deadly by Susan Dennard

Something Strange & Deadly by Susan Dennard 
Publisher: Harper Teen
Release Date: July 24, 2012
Book Format: Hardcover
# of Pages: 388
Synopsis: Philadelphia 1876. The Dead are rising. A zombie delivers a letter to Eleanor Fitt. Whoever controls the Dead Army has her brother. She avoids her mother's choice of husband for the lab of Spirit Hunters, including the maddeningly stubborn yet handsome Daniel. The situation threatens her reputation, and the lives of everyone in the city.

My Review:
I won Something Strange & Deadly from a giveaway a few years back and this is my honest review.

In the story we meet main character Eleanor, whom is currently living alone with her no longer rich mother mourning the death of her father, and the disappearance of her brother. The big problem with society for Eleanor and her mom in the book is that the dead have risen and they are causing a threat.

I originally was very excited about this book because, I mean zombies duh! But anyways before this book I have taken a liking to books that have an old setting to them. Like those that are set back in the day when corsets were an 24/7 thing and there were no cars just horse drawn carriages. I am not sure why these types of books grab my fancy but they just do.

I love Eleanor she is so strong willed, and smart. She does not give up even when many people put her down for being a girl, and when her mother gets in her way. I love that she never gives up no matter what, and in the end she gets her way no matter what, or who she is dealing with. As for the boys in her life I had my fair share of issues with the both of them. Clarence at first I had no problem with him. It seemed nice that a handsome nice boy was wanting Eleanor. Daniel on the other hand I swear was totally bipolar up until the very end. In the end I am totally team Daniel but I still was not happy with the ending.

I am giving this book a 4 stars just because there were parts in this book that were pretty slow. I felt that some chapters dragged on. For example, there were some chapters explaining like what the spirit hunters are researching or just chapters were Eleanor was talking with the spirit hunters and those conversations would just drag by and so those few times made me drop a star. In the end though, the book was enjoyable for the most part and I will be reading book two eventually!

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