
11 July 2015

Blog Tour: Don't Ever Change by M. Beth Bloom (Review + Giveaway)

Don't Ever Change
by M. Beth Bloom
Publisher: HarperTeen
Release Date: July 7th 2015
Rate: 5 out of 5 stars


Eva has always wanted to write a modern classic—one that actually appeals to her generation. The only problem is that she has realized she can't "write what she knows" because she hasn't yet begun to live. So before heading off to college, Eva is determined to get a life worth writing about.

Soon Eva's life encounters a few unexpected plot twists. She becomes a counselor at a nearby summer camp—a job she is completely unqualified for. She starts growing apart from her best friends before they've even left for school. And most surprising of all, she begins to fall for the last guy she would have ever imagined. But no matter the roadblocks, or writer's blocks, it is all up to Eva to figure out how she wants this chapter in her story to end.

Perfect for fans of E. Lockhart, David Levithan, and Rainbow Rowell,Don't Ever Change is a witty, snarky, and thought-provoking coming-of-age young adult novel about a teen who sets out to write better fiction and, ultimately, discovers the truth about herself.

I was asked by the author M. Beth Bloom to review her book, Don’t Ever Change and this is my honest review.

Don’t Ever Change is about a girl named, Eva who has just graduated high school. She is a writer, but before she starts in on that destiny she wants to make sure everything else in her life is right. She starts a job as a counselor at a local summer camp, and tries to figure out what is going on with the relationships in her life.

One of the biggest reasons I like this book is because I connected with Eva on so many levels. First of all, I have always wanted to be a writer. My major in college is creative writing with a concentration in fiction similar to Eva’s. Another thing that got me to sympathize with her is that, in the book she was having a lot of trouble with her friends. They were starting to give her crap for basically just being her which does not make any sense. Now, don’t get me wrong there were times that Eva was a little off, kind of an airhead but her friends had been friends with her for awhile. They know the type of person she is, why all of the sudden so much hate?  I felt so bad every time they snubbed her, mostly because ever since I graduated high school last year I have been going through the exact same things with mine.

I kinda went back and forth between wanting Eva to be with Elliot and then with Foster. I liked Elliot a lot when they first started hanging out but son after he went away, I started to see he was not that much of a good guy. I think Eva was starting to see that too. At times I was not too happy with Foster either but overall, I would pick him 10 times over.

Overall, the book was really inspiring. It did not have a one huge theme like love, vampires, etc. But it did have one big message that I loved. DON’T EVER CHANGE.

Favorite Quotes:

“He looks like an orange on top of a celery stick, but in an okay way.” (Bloom, 27)

“Forever is composed of Now.” (Bloom, 42)

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Follow the Don't Ever Change by M. Beth Bloom Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

M. Beth Bloom is a novelist and a screenwriter. Her fiction has appeared in StoryQuarterly and Dave Eggers's Best American Nonrequired Reading series. She is also the author of Drain You. M. Beth lives in Los Angeles.


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