
01 July 2015

Blog Tour: When Faults Collide by Claire Granger

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This is my stop during the blog tour for When Faults Collide. This blog tour is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The blog tour runs from 1 till 14 July, you can view the complete tour schedule on the website of Lola’s Blog Tours.

When Faults Collide CoverWhen Faults Collide (Faultlines #1)
By Claire Granger
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: July 1, 2015

Asha is a 23 year old graphic designer and blogger living in Richmond VA with a dark past. She grew up in India in a brothel where her mother was a prostitute and came to America to live with her father when she was 13. 10 years later and while she has survived, she lives her life under a strict set of rules and lives fairly sheltered in order to protect herself. Her most important rule: never get involved romantically.

Then she meets Blake, a 25 year old music venue owner with an equally dark past. From their first encounter, Asha finds it difficult to follow her own rules and can't deny the connection between the two of them.

Can Asha overcome her demons to go beyond surviving to thriving and will Blake be the perfect broken piece to the puzzle of her heart?

You can find When Faults Collide on Goodreads

You can buy When Faults Collide here:
- Amazon
- Barnes & Noble

Claire GrangerAbout the Author:
Claire grew up in Texas, but her family moved to Virginia in 2001. She now resides in Richmond with her husband, 4 children (2 sets of twins!), and their fur babies.

She blogs over at The Granger Bunch and has her first novel releasing this summer! "When Faults Collide" is a contemporary romance, the first of the "Faultlines" series! She is already working on book two of the series as well as a non fiction and a few other exciting projects!

She is passionate about racial identity and equality issues, foster care, adoption, and non-profits that work to help victims of sexual assault and trafficking.

She is shamelessly addicted to romance, erotica, dark/twisted/taboo, smutty, sexy, anti-hero, flawed hero, controlling, mind blowing books! Basically everything that would make her mother cry. ;)

She loves hearing from her readers- it keeps her going! Thank you so much for all of your continued support!

You can find and contact Claire here:
- Website
- Facebook
- Twitter
- Goodreads
- Instagram

Guest Post:
How do you get inspired to write, and keep writing?
Stories and characters come to me in passing thoughts, dreams, and even randomly in conversation. I keep a journal of notes and ideas that I carry with me everywhere!
When I go into “the zone” to write, I make sure to clear off large chunks of time because it’s very hard for me to stop once I start. Many chapters of “When Faults Collide” were written in the middle of the night when I thrashed around and could not sleep until I got the words out.
I never had true writer’s block, but if I got stuck in a certain scene, I would stop writing that scene and move on to something else, coming back to fill in the gaps later.  

There is a tour wide giveaway for the blog tour of When Faults Collide. These are the prizes you can win:
- a signed copy of When Faults Collide by Claire Granger
- a $25 Amazon gift card

For a chance to win enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

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