
04 July 2015

Real Neat Blogger Award

I am extremely excited to announce that I have been nominated by Ariel @ The Librarians Bookshelf She is such a sweet girl, and I'm so happy she thinks of my blog as a "real neat one" I love the name of this award by the way! Please check out Ariels blog pronto!

The Rules:

  • Put the award logo on your blog.
  • Thank the people who nominated you, linking to their blogs.
  • Answer 7 questions asked by the person who nominated you.
  • Nominate any number of bloggers you like, linking to their blogs.
  • Let them know you nominated them (by commenting on their blog, etc.)

Now I'll answer the questions! 

1. What is your favorite genre and why?
My favorite genre... That is such a good question. I really don't know. Lately I have been reading a lot of Teen books that fall into the genre of Teen Fiction. But I also really like True Crime. So I would have to say my favorite books are those that have YA elements as well as crime/murder elements. I also enjoy reading really emotional books. I recently read Paperweight by Meg Haston which was about a girl trying to get over her mother leaving, her eating disorder, and her brothers death all at once. It was pretty intense.

2. What is your favorite place to read?
My favorite place to read is in bed. I like being all comfy wrapped up in the covers reading a really good book. Especially during the winter.

3. What are you reading right now? What do you think so far?
I'm currently reading Don't Ever Change by M. Beth Bloom. Its about a girl whose just graduated high school, and getting ready to go off to college. She's having a hard time choosing between the bad boy, and the good boy. On top of that, her best friends are starting to slip away from her. It doesn't come out until July 7, but it is REALLY good so far!

4. What made you start a book blog?
I had just moved from Goffstown, NH to Salem, NH and I did not know anyone so I spent a lot of my time on the internet. One day I came across a book blog. I think it was YA Bound but I thought it was so cool. I had always loved to read, so I researched how to start my own and wallah! Here it is!

5. Do you prefer physical books or e-books?
I honestly prefer physical books. I just like having something in my hand, and being able to turn the pages.

6. Who is your favorite author?
Ahhh the million dollar question! Ummmm my favorite author is, I guess I would have to say its between James Patterson, Michael Grant, and Kelley Armstrong just because I have read pretty much all of their young adult books and I've loved every one that I have read!

7. Favorite Series?
My favorite series is the Maximum Ride series by James Patterson! It's old but its one of his originals and I love those books!

I nominate,
Jessica over at A Great Read
(She has been a long time follower of my blog and shes such a sweetheart!)

Juhina & Farah over at Maji Bookshelf 
(I've followed them for awhile, and I love reading there reviews and watching their videos on youtube too!)

Carina over at Carina's Books
(She is such a sweetheart! She pretty much comments on all of my book hauls!)

Michelle over at Book Briefs 
(Her blog is so cute, and I love reading her reviews!)

Thank you all for stopping by to see my questions, and my nominees! As well as another big thanks to the lovely Ariel for nominating me :) 

P.S. For all those in the US Happy 4th!


  1. You're such a sweetie Paige! You're so welcome; you definitely deserved this one :)

  2. Paige! Thank you so much! This made my whole week!! :)


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