
21 July 2015

Review: In A World Just Right by Jen Brooks

In A World Just Right by Jen Brooks
Publisher: Simon & Schuster
Release Date: April 28, 2015
Book Format: Hardcover
# of Pages: 432
Synopsis:  High school senior Jonathan Aubrey creates worlds at will. In Kylie-Simms-is-my-girlfriend, he’s given himself everything he doesn’t have in real life-–the track team, passing grades, and his dream girl–-until one day he confuses his worlds and almost kisses the real Kylie Simms. Now his girlfriend Kylie and the real Kylie are changing, and Jonathan must solve the mystery of his own life to save his love from a gruesome fate.

My Review:
I bought In A World Just Right by Jen Brooks with my own money, and this is my honest review.

In A World Just Right is the story of a boy who has the ability of creating multiple fantasy worlds. When Jonathan was young, he and two other adults were the only few people to survive a horrible plane crash. His family, including his mom, dad, sister, and aunt did not survive. As his life moved forward he had a hard time finding things to make his life okay again. He then discovered his ability to make worlds, and it took off from there.

My favorite part of this book was the time spent in creative writing class. I had different forms of writing classes while I was in high school, and the closest to creative writing was fiction writing 1 and 2. Those were my most favorite classes in school because I have always wanted to be a writer. Creative writing is also my major in college. So the fact that Jonathan and Kylie were writers was awesome!

Before reading the book I thought I remembered Kylie being portrayed as a really mean. But as I got into the book she seemed a little mean here and there but she never seemed like a royal bitch. She just seemed like someone who was weirded out because some guy she barely knew was suddenly trying to kiss her. Which, I think is normal.

Jonathan was such a sweet guy. He really loved Kylie I could see that from page one. He was having a really hard time with a lot of his problems but no matter what he still loved Kylie more than anything. She was a very lucky girl.

I felt bad for Jonathan when everything started to fall apart. I will not tell you which one, but Kylie's attitude was ridiculous. I could not stand it but I think it gave the book a nice touch. The reason she was that way is because of the circumstances with the Jonathans worlds. In the end I enjoyed what happened a lot. I have never read anything like this and I am glad I got the chance to. 

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