
26 August 2015

Cover Reveal: Seelie by Sarah J. Pepper

Seelie by Sarah J. Pepper
Release Date: Fall 2015
Genres: Adult, Paranormal
Synopsis: Kian traces his thumb over Ryanne’s bottom lip, waiting impatiently for his Seelie princess to surrender to her blood-lust. Her fervor is nearly untamable, particularly when tempted by his addictive kiss. She’ll do anything for him, but he is just as enslaved by her. However, Ryanne’s blood-lust turns lethal as soon as Niall, the Unseelie Prince, steps into her Court. In Faerie, lies are punishable by death. Murder is justifiable. So when Niall oversteps his bounds, Ryanne has no choice but to unleash the blood-lust that rules her.

Meet Sarah, 
Sarah J. Pepper specializes in dark, paranormal romance - think "happy ever after" but with a twisted, dark chocolate center. Real-life romance isn't only filled with hugs, kisses, bunnies, and rainbows. True-love can be more thoroughly described in times of darkness and tribulation. It's in those harsh moments where you see what a person is truly capable of - both the good and bad. Sometimes prince-charming isn't always on time, and the glass slipper is a little snug. However, it doesn't mean Charming is not Mr. Right, and who says every shoe is the perfect fit? Get a glimpse inside her head at


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