
04 January 2016

Review: Nightmares! by Jason Segel & Kirsten Miller

Nightmares! by Jason Segel & Kirsten Miller
Publisher: Delacorte Books For Young Readers
Release Date: September 9, 2014
Book Format: Paperback

# of Pages: 355
The hilariously frightening, middle-grade novel Nightmares! is a Texas Bluebonnet nominee and the first book in a trilogy about a boy named Charlie and a group of kids who must face their fears to save their town.

Sleeping has never been so scary. And now waking up is even worse!

Charlie Laird has several problems.

1. His dad married a woman he is sure moonlights as a witch.
2. He had to move into her purple mansion, which is NOT a place you want to find yourself after dark.
3. He can’t remember the last time sleeping wasn’t a nightmarish prospect. Like even a nap.

What Charlie doesn’t know is that his problems are about to get a whole lot more real. Nightmares can ruin a good night’s sleep, but when they start slipping out of your dreams and into the waking world—that’s a line that should never be crossed.

And when your worst nightmares start to come true . . . well, that’s something only Charlie can face. And he’s going to need all the help he can get, or it might just be lights-out for Charlie Laird. For good.

My Review:
I received Nightmares! by Jason Segel & Kirsten Miller from the publisher and this is my honest review.

Before receiving this book from the publishers I had seen this book on multiple occasions all around work so having the opportunity to read a book that I was interested in before was great. Nightmares! is about a young boy named, Charlie who after losing his mother is forced to move into a new mansion with his dad, brother, and new stepmother whom he is not to fond of. Throughout the entire book Charlie is convinced that his stepmother is a witch and he does everything to try expose her to everyone.

One of the huge reasons why I like this book a lot is because even though it is sort of directed more at middle grade than at kids, anyone could really enjoy it. The monsters strewn throughout the whole book especially the witch in the first few of Charlie's dreams gave me the creeps which I thought was great.

On the other hand though, I did not seem to care too much for Charlie's father. I feel like that happens in many books when the main character's mother dies and the dad becomes a single dad though because I have had this happen before. His father just made me angry, his son was hurting because he was missing his mom all of the acting out toward his stepmother is because he missed his mom and felt as if his new wife was trying to replace her. That sort of situation is hard for anybody and I just felt like the father did not handle it in a good manner. Granted we do not really know the backstory, we do not know how long it has been since all this happened. After a few years or more yes it is wrong to hold a grudge but the book made it seem like he had just lost his mom, so I thought he should still have been allowed to grieve.

Another strong point of this book was that even though Charlie was having a hard time at home with his nightmares, and family he had a full circle of friends who supported him fully the entire time. They even were the ones to help him through his fears at the very end of the book. I have recently had problems with figuring out who my true friends were and so it was nice to see a tight nit group of friends that he had in his corner.  



  1. Nice review. I'm participating in the TBR Pile Challenge and this is one of my picks. I'm looking forward to reading it.

    1. Awesome! Thank you for stopping by! I loved this book, I am hoping to read the sequel soon I just have to remember where I put it!


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