
02 February 2016

January 2016 Reading Wrap Up!


Good morning my amazing followers! Today I am putting together my January reading wrap up for this year! I hope to leave me video below but if not, I will update this post with a link when that video goes up!

What I read:

2016 Reading Challenges: Progress

Debut Author Challenge:
  •  This Is Where it Ends by Marieke Nijkamp

TBR Pile Reading Challenge: (1-10 books)
  1.   City of Glass by Cassandra Clare
  2.   Heaven Is for Real by Todd Burpo

Backlist Books Reading Challenge (10 books) 
      1.  City of Glass by Cassandra Clare  
      2. Heaven Is for Real by Todd Burpo

Finishing the Series Reading Challenge (1 Series)
  • Mortal Instruments Series
    • City of Glass by Cassandra Clare

Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge

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