
25 February 2016

Review: Death Wish by Megan Tayte

Death Wish by Megan Tayte
Publisher: Heaven Afire
Release Date: February 7, 2015
Book Format: e-book
# of Pages: 305

The Ceruleans: mere mortals infused with power over life and death. Five books; one question: If the might of the heavens were in your hands, would you be sinner or saint?

Seventeen-year-old Scarlett Blake is haunted by death. Her estranged sister has made the ultimate dramatic exit. Running away from school, joining a surfing fraternity, partying hard: that sounds like Sienna. But suicide? It makes no sense.

Following in her sister’s footsteps, Scarlett comes to an isolated English cove with grand plans to uncover the truth. Alone. But she hasn’t reckoned on meeting two boys who are determined to help her. Luke: the blue-eyed surfer who’ll see the real Scarlett, who’ll challenge her, who’ll save her. And Jude: the elusive drifter with a knack for turning up whenever Scarlett’s in need.

As Scarlett’s quest for the truth unravels, so too does her grip on reality as she’s always known it. Because there’s something strange going on in this little cove. A dead magpie circles the skies. A dead deer watches from the undergrowth. Hands glow with light. Warmth. Power.

What transpires is a summer of discovery. Of what it means to conquer fear. To fall in love. To choose life. To choose death.

To believe the impossible.  

My Review:
I received Death Wish from the author and this is my honest review.

Death Wish by Megan Tayte is about a teenager named, Scarlett moves into her late grandparents home looking for anything to help her understand more about her sister's death. Scarlett and her sister have lived a very privileged life. They grew up in a huge house with wealthy parents. Both girls were attending private schools and had plans to move into an apartment together when they started college. But that all took a turn for the worse when Sienna lost her life to the ocean.

Upon arriving to the small town the first adventure Scarlett took was to go out into the water. This almost ended badly for her but luckily, Luke was on the lookout and was able to pull her to shore. Scarlett did not know it then but he was a pretty important person throughout the entirety of the book.

I enjoyed this book to pieces, Scarlett was a great character. She was completely dedicated to finding out what happened to her sister, but that did not stop her from taking a breather and allowing herself some fun as well. She met amazing people including, Luke and his sister. Both of them were became extremely close to Scarlett and got her through the summer of pain trying to understand what happened to her sister. She also met the mysterious, Jude who was also pretty important too sort of looked after Scarlett as if he was her guardian angel.

The only problem I had with this book is that it seemed to stray away from Scarlett and her “powers” quite a lot. Thinking back I think there were only 3 or 4 scenes as well as the ending that had anything to do with her healing ability. It sort of felt like her social life with Luke and understanding what happened with her sister took the focus. When in reality her healing powers were pretty much they key as to what happened to her sister and so I feel like a lot more of the book should have been dedicated to that aspect.

Overall though, I realize there are at least 4 or so more books so I am sure I will be able to learn more of Scarlett's abilities in those books. Tayte’s writing was so enjoyable, and easy to read I would positively read anything by her in the future and I cannot wait to get my hands on book 2!

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