
10 August 2016

Review: The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer

The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer
Publisher: Health Communications
Release Date: August 1, 1997
Book Format: Paperback
# of Pages: 331
Synopsis: "The Lost Boy" is the harrowing but ultimately uplifting true story of a boy's journey through the foster-care system in search of a family to love. This is Dave Pelzer's long-awaited sequel to "A Child Called 'It'." "The Lost Boy" is Pelzer's story -- a moving sequel and inspirational read for all.

My Review:
I bought this book with my own funds and this is my honest review.

The Lost Boy by Dave Pelzer is the sequel to A Child Called It. The first book was the story of a little boy who was abused verbally and physically by his mother. In the second book, readers follow little David on his journey of escaping his mother. After making it to school, and confessing to his teachers he is taken out of his mother's custody and placed into several foster homes throughout the book.

This book felt like a sigh of relief compared to the first book. I found myself feeling extremely happy that David finally got the nerve to tell someone and get himself out. I was excited for him when he entered the Catanze home I felt as though it was going to be a new start for him. While reading I felt every emotion David had while in each house right along with him. I became angry with his treatment by some of the foster kids, and there were times I was angry at Mr. Catanze’s treatment too. I felt like I understood on some level as to why he was so hard on David when he made mistakes but at the same time I thought he was a very misunderstood little boy and needed more than the adults in his life were giving him.

Even though I felt the adults could have given him some more support David seemed to take a little something from each home he was at, and that gave him the strength to push through even though he still had his crazy mother on his tail even after he left her house, and even though he got himself into trouble because he did not really have anyone who completely understood, in the end, he grew up and seemed to turn out to be a fine boy.

I enjoyed reading the second installment in Dave Pelzers story, and I look forward to reading the third book, A Man Named Dave. I am really interested in finding out how the rest of his life shaped out to be.


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