
03 January 2017

Teaser Tuesday


Before getting into my Teaser Tuesday, I wanted to make a note of this being my official come back to my lovely blog. I know I never posted about an official hiatus, but I feel that I now have a straight head on my shoulders and will be able to appropriately keep up with my blog. Now on to the good stuff!

Teaser Tuesday is a weekly bookish meme hosted by MizB over at Should Be Reading. This is for everyone, just follow the rules below:

1) Grab your current read
2) Flip to a random page
3) Share (2) "teaser" sentences from somewhere on that page
5) Share the author and title too!

My Current Read:
Blood Moon by John David Bethel
Synopsis: (Taken from Goodreads) On a hot, steamy afternoon in Miami, Cuban-American businessman Recidio Suarez is brutally beaten and abducted. Handcuffed, shackled and blindfolded, he has no idea why he has been targeted. What he discovers is heart-stopping. What he endures during almost a month of captivity compares only to the most horrendous stories of prisoners of war. He is tortured, and under the threat of death, and worse – the rape of his wife and torture of his children – Suarez is forced to hand over his multi-million dollar holdings to his captors.

Suarez survives and then spends the next few months staying one step ahead of the murderous pack. During this time, he and his lawyer, Nolan Stevens – a former Special Agent in Charge of the Miami Office of the FBI – are having difficulties convincing the Miami-Dade Police Department that a crime has been committed. Their efforts are complicated by Steven’s difficult history with the head of the MDPD Special Investigations Division, who is not interested in pursuing the case.

The Teaser:  
 "He guided them to a lounge for relatives of surgery patients, where the doctor reviewed the extent of the injuries. "He's still in serious condition but he should make a full recovery. He's a strong person." (Bethel, 212)

This book is fantastic! I was contacted to review and I am loving it! Be sure to check it out if you can!

1 comment:

I love to hear from you guys so leave as many as your heart desires =)