
14 February 2017

Teaser Tuesday - February 14, 2017

Its that time again! Its early Tuesday morning, after a long week of winter storms that seemed like they were never going to end. Here in NH we got about 30" of snow spanning across the whole week. I'd love to know if you got snow and if so, where and how much? Anyways, Teaser Tuesday is hosted by Should Be Reading where we give you guys awesome teasers from the books we're reading! Anyone can join you just need to follow these rules.

1. Grab your current read.
2. Open up to a random page.
3. Share two sentences from somewhere on that page.
4. Don't share any spoilers you don't want to ruin the book!
5. Lastly include the title and author so we can add it to our TBR pile!

Synopsis: Mira and Francesca Cillo—beautiful, overprotected, odd—seemed untouchable. But Ben touched seven parts of Mira: her palm, hair, chest, cheek, lips, throat, and heart. After the sisters drown themselves in the quarry lake, a post-mortem letter from Mira sends Ben on a quest to find notes in the seven places where they touched. Note by note, Ben discovers the mystical secret at the heart of Mira and Francesca's world, and that some things are better left untouched.

Teaser: "Mira navigated to Francesca's bedside, leaning in close. Her sister's face was slick with tears and waxy, as though her blood had drained away." (Savage, 77) 

I hope you all enjoyed this teaser. Beautiful Broken Girls comes out this month! 

1 comment:

  1. OOh nice! I really want to read this author's books! I have her first one and I "try" to read something of theirs for the first time before I consistently buy everything of theirs! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)


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