
15 June 2017

What I'm Currently Reading #2

Good Afternoon Comfort Readers! I'm back again to share my huge currently reading pile in hopes to making it much smaller. Here are a couple that are on my list and what I plan to do with them!

1) Strange Sweet Song by Adi Rule 
This was an impulse buy. I borrowed it from work to check it out because the author was coming to do a signing. I didn't finish by the time she arrived and so I bought it just because I was so excited and
she was really sweet. I got a good chunk into the book, but I think I might start all over since its been so long I really want to get back into the story on my own terms.

2) My Not so Super Sweet Life by Rachel Harris
So this was also requested on impulse. Rachel Harris is one of the only authors that I've read more than 2 or 3 books written by them so I definitely consider her one of my favorite authors, and the only reason why I didn't finish this is because it is an e-book and my e-reader broke :( I'm hoping to either get a physical copy or to start over on my phone soon!
3) Brown Girl Dreaming by Jacqueline Woodson 
This is a book that was sent to me before it came out in stores so I believe it was an ARC or maybe even a finished copy right before it came out. Either way, the book is written in verse and I'm not a huge fan of verse so even though it was a good book when I started it didn't hold my interest that much so this is one I probably wont return to.

4) A Sister to Honor by Lucy Ferriss 
I really enjoyed this book while I was reading it and I was almost finished BUT I lost it! So I obviously don't want to just start over since I was almost done and I could fix that if I was keeping track of what page I was on with goodreads but I was stupid and didn't so unless I can find this missing book I probably won't be finishing it :(

5) The Hero of Blind Pig Island and other stories by Jimmy Olsen
This was a review book of short stories set on an Island. I got about halfway through some of the stories were really good some were bland but either way I was planning on finishing it but I've also lost this since my move back home so hopefully I can find it soon because it was a perfect beachy read!

Thanks for stopping by what are you guys reading!?

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