
23 August 2011


Okay so i keep seeing all these IMM and all these people are getting books for review. So i was wondering if someone could enlighten me on how that whole process works, because i'd like to start reviewing books next summer. So if someone could leave me a comment or an email at explaining how this whole thing works i'd really appreciate it!! Thanks guys!!


  1. Hey Paige,

    I'm relatively new to book reviewing, and when I say relatively new I mean I just started my blog last week. So I don't know how sound my advice is on blogging....but I've been reading book review blogs for the past two years!

    Basically, I just started my blog up for fun. I read a book, and then whether I like it or not, I write my honest opinion on my page. That way when other people stop by they can see my thoughts and share their own. Right now I'm only reviewing books that I've purchased or previously own.

    A lot of other bloggers have been posting reviews for months and even years. They have huge followings and a lot of site hits. Their reviews are also really thought out and honest because they have the right experience. Now this is where I don't know the whole process, so I could be totally wrong, but publishers will see how consistent, honest, and popular they are and ask the blogger to review one of their books. It helps the publisher or author get feedback before the book is released and some added publicity.

    The important thing to remember is that blogging is fun! I write what I feel and don't really think about the added benefits of having a popular blog because at this point I don't. For me, its an awesome hobby and way to track what books I've read.

    I hope this has helped! Come check out my blog anytime!!!!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  2. Thanks for the advice it helped a lot!! I just need to think of better ways to make my blog a little more popular because at the moment i only have 10 followers. So if you have any ideas let me know!! Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Hahaha I'm still working on that myself! I have 11 followers, and one of them doesn't count because I'm following my own blog. I participate in memes, like IMM and Teaser Tuesday, and then comment on other people's as well. I also look for blogs that have similar interests as mine so I can correspond with them and share my opninions. It's definitely going to take time, but as long as we keep at it I'm sure we'll be fine! Good luck =)

  4. Yeah i agree technically i only have 9 followers because i'm following my own to lol. But i stopped by your blog and commented on a few things =) We seem to have a little bit in common. I do the IMM, and TT and comment on other peoples too. I'm actually thinking about starting my own meme.


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