
23 August 2011

Review Vampire Academy By: Richelle Mead

Wow... I really loved this book. I tried to read it once in eighth grade but i only read the first few pages and decided i didn't like it. That was a huge mistake. I enjoyed this book so much!! I loved all the characters especially Lissa, Rose, and Dimitri. I like the whole concept of the story, because usually in vampire stories the vampire has a hard time resisting blood. But in this story they still have to drink blood but they don't attack people for it which is cool. I like that Lissa is able to have a best friend who isn't a vampire. Now for the romantic relationships. When i was first introduced to Dimitri i thought he was just some guardian, and i didn't care much, but as i got into the story i started liking him more and more. By the end of the book i wanted him and rose to be together so bad but i know it wouldn't work out, there would be way to many obsticals in their relationship. But i'm still secretly hoping they get together in the next books, which i cannot wait to read!!! I'm glad that Lissa, and Rose took Mia down even though i'm pretty sure she'll be back with a vengeance but i'm sure they'll be ready for that. Overall i'm really glad i gave this series a second chance because i love it!!!


  1. Definitely a favorite series of mine as well! Rose is such a strong female narrator and her relationship with Dimitri is so steamy! I hope you continue reading the series because it seriously just gets better and better!

    Kristan @ Lost Amongst the Shelves

  2. I definitely will be reading the next books!! I already have the second one that i'm going to start in a week or so. Thanks for stopping by =)

  3. This is one of my favorite series. New follower. Come visit me over at Livre De Amour-Books of Love. Hope you enjoy the series.

  4. Thanks for following i really appreciate me. Come back and visit any time!!


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